This information applies to a product which is in development. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact factory for most
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Rev. Pr E
Dual, 80 MSPS minimum sample rate
- Channel-channel matching, +/-1% gain error
- 90dB Channel-Channel isolation
- DC-Coupled Signal conditioning
80dB Spurious-Free Dynamic Range
Selectable Bipolar Inputs
(+/- 1V and +/- 0.5V ranges)
Integral Single Pole Low Pass Nyquist Filter
Two’s Complement Output Format
3.3 or 5V CMOS-Compatible Outputs
1.75W per Channel
Industrial and Military Grade
Radar Processing
(optimized for I/Q Baseband operation)
Phased Array Receivers
MultiChannel, Multimode Receivers
GPS Anti-Jamming Receivers
Communications Receivers
The AD13280 is a complete dual channel signal process-
ing solution including on board amplifiers, references,
ADCs and output termination components to provide
optimized system performance. The AD13280 has on-
chip track-and-hold circuitry and utilizes an innovative
multipass architecture to achieve 12-bit, 80MSPS
performance. The AD13280 uses innovative high-density
circuit design and laser-trimmed thin-film resistor
networks to achieve exceptional channel matching, impedance
control, and performance while still maintaining excellent
isolation, and providing for significant board area savings.
Multiple options are provided for driving the analog input,
including single-ended, differential, and optional series filtering.
The AD13280 also offers the user a choice of Analog Input
Signal ranges to further minimize additional external signal
conditioning, while still remaining general purpose.
The AD13280 operates with +/- 5.0V for the Analog signal
conditioning with a separate +5.0V supply for the Analog to
Digital conversion, and +3.3V digital supply for the output
stage. Each channel is completely independent allowing
operation with independent Encode and Analog Inputs, and
maintaining minimal crosstalk and interference.
The AD13280 is packaged in a 68-lead Ceramic Gull Wing
Package. Manufacturing is done on Analog Devices, Inc. Mil-
38534 Qualified Manufacturers Line (QML) and components
are available up to Class-H (-40
°C to 85°C). The components
are manufactured using Analog Devices, Inc. high-speed
complimentary bipolar process (XFCB).
1. Guaranteed sample rate of 80 MSPS.
2. Input signal conditioning included; gain and impedance
3. Single-ended, differential, or off-module filter options
4. Fully tested/characterized full channel performance
5. Compatible with 14-bit (up to) 80MSPS family
a Dual Channel, 12-Bit, 80MSPS A/D Converter
with Analog Input Signal Conditioning