3. Deselect the chip
New pulse width out begins and PWM goes high when CS is
raised after last SCK pulse (assuming no previous time-out).
PWM then toggles on falling CLK edges.
Resulting output waveform: Control = 00 = Divide-by-1,
frequency = 4;
PW = 1: (1 + 1) (0 + 1) = 2 CLKs high time.
CDP68HC68W1 Application Example
The following example was written for a system which has
the CDP68HC68W1 connected to the SPI bus of a
CDP68HC05C8B microcontroller. The program sets the W1
to run a divide by 200 frequency with a duty cycle of 30% by
writing to the Control Register, the Frequency Data Register,
and the Pulse Width Data Register. The frequency and pulse
width are then modified. Finally the pulse width is modified
without changing the frequency. The program was assem-
bled using the Intersil HASM 3.0 assembler.
INTERSIL Corporation (c)1990 - 1997
68HC05 Assembler Version 3.0.2
Source Created:
01/08/98, 10:36 am
01/08/98, 10:36 am
00001 ***********************************************************************
00002 * File: W1.S
00003 * Example W1 routines - sets W1 to a divide by
00004 * 200 output with 30% duty cycle
00005 *
00006 * Date: Thursday, January 8, 1998
00007 ***********************************************************************
00009 ***********************************************************************
00010 * Partial Map of CDP68HC05C8B Hardware Registers
00011 ***********************************************************************
00013 0000 Section Registers, $0000
00014 0000 PortA ds 1 ;Port A
00015 0001 PortB ds 1 ;Port B
00016 0002 PortC ds 1 ;Port C
00017 0003 PortD ds 1 ;Port D
00018 0004 DDRA ds 1 ;Port A Data Direction Register
00019 0005 DDRB ds 1 ;Port B DDR
00020 0006 DDRC ds 1 ;Port C DDR
00021 0007 _Free1 ds 3 ;three unused locations
00022 000A SPCR ds 1 ;SPI Control Register
00023 $0006 = 6 SPE equ 6 ;SPI Enable bit
00024 $0004 = 4 MSTR equ 4 ;SPI Master Mode bit
00025 000B SPSR ds 1 ;SPI Status Register
00026 $0007 = 7 SPIF equ 7 ;SPI Flag bit for ANDs, CMPs, etc.
00027 000C SPDR ds 1 ;SPI Data Register
00029 ***********************************************************************
00030 * CDP68HC68W1 Constants
00031 ***********************************************************************
00033 $0000 = 0 W1 equ 0 ;W1 is connected to bit 0 of Port A
00034 $0002 = 2 W1_PC equ 2 ;Power Control: 1 = power down
00035 $0001 = 1 W1_CD equ 1 ;Clock Divider: 1 = divide by 2
00038 ***********************************************************************
00039 * Main Routines
00040 ***********************************************************************
00042 0100 Section Code, $0100
00044* [6] 0100 AD37 jsr Init_W1 ;turn on PA0
00045 Set200_30
00046 [5] 0102 1100 bclr W1,PortA ;select W1 (CE is active low)
00047* [6] 0104 AD28 jsr Set_SPI_Mode ;Setup the 68HC05 SPI control
00048 ;to talk to the W1
00050 ******* Set Up Control, Frequency, and Pulse Width
00052 SendCommands
00053 [2] 0106 A601 lda #W1_CD ;set divide by two clock on W1