73S8024RN Data Sheet
Rev. 2
9 OFF and Fault Detection
There are two different cases that the system controller can monitor the OFF signal: to query regarding
the card presence outside card sessions, or for fault detection during card sessions.
Outside a card session: In this condition, CMDVCC is always high, OFF is low if the card is not present,
and high if the card is present. Because it is outside a card session, any fault detection will not act upon
the OFF signal. No deactivation is required during this time.
During a card session: CMDVCC is always low, and OFF falls low if the card is extracted or if any fault
detection is detected. At the same time that OFF is set low, the sequencer starts the deactivation
The Figure 5 shows the timing diagram for the signals CMDVCC, PRES, and OFF during a card session
and outside the card session:
outside card session
within card session
is low by
card extracted
is low by
any fault
within card
Figure 5: Timing Diagram – Management of the Interrupt Line OFF
10 I/O Circuitry and Timing
The states of the I/O, AUX1, and AUX2 pins are low after power on reset and they are in high when the
activation sequencer turns on the I/O reception state. See the
Activation Sequence section for more
details on when the I/O reception is enabled. The states of I/OUC, AUX1UC, and AUX2UC are high after
power on reset.
Within a card session and when the I/O reception state is turn on, the first I/O line on which a falling edge
is detected becomes the input I/O line and the other becomes the output I/O line. When the input I/O line
rising edge is detected then both I/O lines return to their neutral state.
Figure 6 shows the state diagram of how the I/O and I/OUC lines are managed to become input or output.
The delay between the I/O signals is shown in Figure 7.