80960CF-40, -33, -25, -16
The processor also integrates four complete data-
chaining DMA channels and a high-speed interrupt
controller on-chip. DMA channels perform single-
cycle or two-cycle transfers, data packing and
unpacking and data chaining. Block transfers — in
addition to source or destination synchronized trans-
fers — are supported.
The interrupt controller provides full programmability
of 248 interrupt sources into 32 priority levels with a
typical interrupt task switch (latency) time of 625 ns.
The 80960C-Series Core
The C-Series core is a very high performance
microarchitectural implementation of the 80960 Core
Architecture. This core can sustain execution of two
instructions per clock (80 MIPS at 40 MHz). To
achieve this level of performance, Intel has incorpo-
rated state-of-the-art silicon technology and innova-
tive microarchitectural constructs into the C-Series
core implementation. Factors that contribute to the
core’s performance include:
Parallel instruction decoding allows issuance of up
to three instructions per clock
Single-clock execution of most instructions
Parallel instruction decode allows sustained,
simultaneous execution of two single-clock instruc-
tions every clock cycle
Efficient instruction pipeline minimizes pipeline
break losses
Register and resource scoreboarding allow simul-
taneous multi-clock instruction execution
Branch look-ahead and prediction allows many
branches to execute with no pipeline break
Local Register Cache integrated on-chip caches
Call/Return context
Two-way set associative, 4 Kbyte integrated
instruction cache
1 Kbyte integrated Data RAM sustains a four-word
(128-bit) access every clock cycle
Direct mapped, 1 Kbyte data cache, write through,
write allocate
Pipelined, Burst Bus
A 32-bit high performance bus controller interfaces
the 80960CF to external memory and peripherals.
The Bus Control Unit features a maximum transfer
rate of 160 Mbytes per second (at 40 MHz). Inter-
nally programmable wait states and 16 separately
configurable memory regions allow the processor to
interface with a variety of memory subsystems with a
minimum of system complexity and a maximum of
performance. The Bus Control Unit’s main features
Demultiplexed, burst bus to exploit most efficient
DRAM access modes
Address pipelining to reduce memory cost while
maintaining performance
32-, 16- and 8-bit modes for I/O interfacing ease
Full internal wait state generation to reduce system
Little and Big Endian support to ease application
Unaligned access support for code portability
Three-deep request queue to decouple the bus
from the core
Instruction Set Summary
Table 1 summarizes the 80960CF instruction set by
logical groupings. See the i960
Cx Microprocessor
User’s Manual (270710) for a complete description
of the instruction set.
Flexible DMA Controller
A four-channel DMA controller provides high speed
DMA control for data transfers involving peripherals
and memory. The DMA provides advanced features
such as data chaining, byte assembly and disas-
sembly and a high performance fly-by mode capable
of transfer speeds of up to 71 Mbytes per second at
40 MHz. The DMA controller features a performance
and flexibility which is only possible by integrating
the DMA controller and the 80960CF core.