NXP B.V. 2009. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 02 — 16 July 2009
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NXP Semiconductors
16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller
PCA9564 (0000 000) or PCA9665 (1110 000) slave address which is active on
‘reserved for future use’ I2C-bus addresses (0000 011, 1111 1XX)
slave devices that use the 10-bit addressing scheme (1111 0XX)
slave devices that are designed to respond to the General Call address (0000 000)
which is used as the software reset address
High-speed mode (Hs-mode) master code (0000 1XX)
The last bit of the address byte denes the operation to be performed. When set to logic 1
a read is selected, while a logic 0 selects a write operation.
7.1.2 LED All Call I2C-bus address
Default power-up value (ALLCALLADR register): E0h or 1110 000X
Programmable through I2C-bus (volatile programming)
At power-up, LED All Call I2C-bus address is enabled. PCA9685 sends an ACK when
E0h (R/W = 0) or E1h (R/W = 1) is sent by the master.
Remark: The default LED All Call I2C-bus address (E0h or 1110 000X) must not be used
as a regular I2C-bus slave address since this address is enabled at power-up. All the
PCA9685s on the I2C-bus will acknowledge the address if sent by the I2C-bus master.
7.1.3 LED Sub Call I2C-bus addresses
3 different I2C-bus addresses can be used
Default power-up values:
– SUBADR1 register: E2h or 1110 001X
– SUBADR2 register: E4h or 1110 010X
– SUBADR3 register: E8h or 1110 100X
Programmable through I2C-bus (volatile programming)
At power-up, Sub Call I2C-bus addresses are disabled. PCA9685 does not send an
ACK when E2h (R/W = 0) or E3h (R/W = 1), E4h (R/W = 0) or E5h (R/W = 1), or
E8h (R/W = 0) or E9h (R/W = 1) is sent by the master.
Remark: The default LED Sub Call I2C-bus addresses may be used as regular I2C-bus
slave addresses as long as they are disabled.
Fig 4.
Slave address
hardware selectable
slave address