Rev. B | Page 13 of 32
There are two analog-to-digital converter (ADC) channels in
the AD1928, configured as a stereo pair with differential inputs.
The ADCs can operate at a nominal sample rate of 48 kHz,
96 kHz, or 192 kHz. The ADCs include on-board digital
antialiasing filters with 79 dB stop-band attenuation and linear
phase response, operating at an oversampling ratio of 128
(48 kHz, 96 kHz, and 192 kHz modes). Digital outputs are
supplied through two serial data output pins (one for each
stereo pair) and a common frame clock (ALRCLK) and bit
clock (ABCLK). Alternatively, one of the TDM modes can be
used to access up to 14 channels on a single TDM data line.
The ADCs must be driven from a differential signal source for
best performance. The input pins of the ADCs connect to internal
switched capacitors. To isolate the external driving op amp from
the glitches caused by the internal switched capacitors, each
input pin should be isolated by using a series-connected, exter-
nal, 100 Ω resistor together with a 1 nF capacitor connected
from each input to ground. This capacitor must be of high quality,
for example, ceramic NP0 or polypropylene film.
The differential inputs have a nominal common-mode voltage
of 1.5 V. The voltage at the common-mode reference pin (CM)
can be used to bias external op amps to buffer the input signals
inputs can also be ac-coupled and do not need an external dc
bias to CM.
A digital high-pass filter can be switched in line with the ADCs
under serial control to remove residual dc offsets. It has a
1.4 Hz, 6 dB per octave cutoff at a 48 kHz sample rate. The
cutoff frequency scales directly with sample frequency.
The AD1928 digital-to-analog converter (DAC) channels are
arranged as four single-ended stereo pairs, providing eight
analog outputs for minimum external components. The DACs
include on-board digital reconstruction filters with 70 dB stop-
band attenuation and linear phase response, operating at an
oversampling ratio of 4 (48 kHz or 96 kHz modes) or 2 (192 kHz
mode). Each channel has its own independently programmable
attenuator, adjustable in 255 steps in 0.375 dB increments. Digital
inputs are supplied through four serial data input pins (one for
each stereo pair) and a common frame clock (DLRCLK) and bit
clock (DBCLK). Alternatively, one of the TDM modes can be
used to access up to 16 channels on a single TDM data line.
Each output pin has a nominal common-mode dc level of 1.5 V
and swings ±1.27 V for a 0 dBFS digital input signal. A single op
amp, third-order, external, low-pass filter is recommended to
remove high frequency noise present on the output pins. The
use of op amps with low slew rate or low bandwidth can cause
high frequency noise and tones to fold down into the audio
band; therefore, exercise care in selecting these components.
The voltage at CM, the common-mode reference pin, can be
used to bias the external op amps that buffer the output signals
The on-chip phase-locked loop (PLL) can be selected to
reference the input sample rate from either of the LRCLK pins
or 256, 384, 512, or 768 times the sample rate, referenced to the
48 kHz mode from the MCLKI/XI pin. The default at power-up
is 256 × fS from MCLKI/XI. In 96 kHz mode, the master clock
frequency stays at the same absolute frequency; therefore, the
actual multiplication rate is divided by 2. In 192 kHz mode,
the actual multiplication rate is divided by 4. For example, if the
AD1928 is programmed in 256 × fS mode, the frequency of the
master clock input is 256 × 48 kHz = 12.288 MHz. If the AD1928
is then switched to 96 kHz operation (by writing to the SPI
port), the frequency of the master clock should remain at
12.288 MHz, which, under these conditions, is 128 × fS. In 192 kHz
mode, this becomes 64 × fS.
The internal clock for the ADCs is 256 × fS for all clock modes.
The internal clock for the DACs varies by mode: 512 × fS (48 kHz
mode), 256 × fS (96 kHz mode), or 128 × fS (192 kHz mode). By
default, the on-board PLL generates this internal master clock
from an external clock. A direct 512 × fS (referenced to 48 kHz
mode) master clock can be used for either the ADCs or DACs if
selected in the PLL and Clock Control 1 register.
Note that it is not possible to use a direct clock for the ADCs set
to the 192 kHz mode. It is required that the on-chip PLL be
used in this mode.
The PLL can be powered down in the PLL and Clock Control 0
register. To ensure reliable locking when changing PLL modes,
or if the reference clock is unstable at power-on, power down
the PLL and then power it back up when the reference clock has
The internal master clock (MCLK) can be disabled in the PLL
and Clock Control 0 register to reduce power dissipation when
the AD1928 is idle. The clock should be stable before it is
enabled. Unless a standalone mode is selected (see the
SerialControl Port section), the clock is disabled by reset and must be
enabled by writing to the SPI port for normal operation.
To maintain the highest performance possible, it is recommended
that the clock jitter of the internal master clock signal be limited
to less than 300 ps rms TIE (time interval error). Even at these
levels, extra noise or tones can appear in the DAC outputs if the
jitter spectrum contains large spectral peaks. If the internal PLL
is not being used, it is best to use an independent crystal oscilla-
tor to generate the master clock. In addition, it is especially
important that the clock signal should not be passed through an
FPGA, CPLD, or other large digital chip (such as a DSP) before
being applied to the AD1928. In most cases, this induces clock
jitter due to the sharing of common power and