The 68HC11 is configured in the master mode with its CPOL
bit set to a logic zero and its CPHA bit set to a logic one. When
the 68HC11 is configured like this, its SCLK line idles low
between data transfers. Therefore, the POL input of the AD7714
should be hard-wired low. For systems where it is preferable
that the SCLK idle high, the CPOL bit of the 68HC11 should
be set to a logic 1 and the POL input of the AD7714 should be
hard-wired to a logic high.
Figure 9. AD7714 to 68HC11 Interface
The AD7714 is not capable of full duplex operation. If the
AD7714 is configured for a write operation, no data appears on
the DATA OUT lines even when the SCLK input is active.
Similarly, if the AD7714 is configured for a read operation, data
presented to the part on the DATA IN line is ignored even
when SCLK is active.
Coding for an interface between the 68HC11 and the AD7714
is given in Table XV. In this example, the
DRDY output line of
the AD7714 is connected to the PC0 port bit of the 68HC11
and is polled to determine its status.
AD7714 to 8051 Interface
An interface circuit between the AD7714 and the 8XC51 mi-
crocontroller is shown in Figure 10. The diagram shows the
minimum number of interface connections with
CS on the
AD7714 hard-wired low. In the case of the 8XC51 interface the
minimum number of interconnects is just two. In this scheme,
DRDY bit of the Communications Register is monitored to
determine when the Data Register is updated. The alternative
scheme, which increases the number of interface lines to three,
is to monitor the
DRDY output line from the AD7714. The
monitoring of the
DRDY line can be done in two ways. First,
DRDY can be connected to one of the 8XC51’s port bits (such
as P1.0) which is configured as an input. This port bit is then
polled to determine the status of
DRDY. The second scheme is
to use an interrupt driven system in which case, the
output is connected to the
INT1 input of the 8XC51. For
The AD7714’s flexible serial interface allows for easy interface
to most microcomputers and microprocessors. The flowchart of
Figure 8 outlines the sequence which should be followed when
interfacing a microcontroller or microprocessor to the AD7714.
Figures 9, 10 and 11 show some typical interface circuits.
The serial interface on the AD7714 has the capability of operat-
ing from just three wires and is compatible with SPI interface
protocols. The three-wire operation makes the part ideal for
isolated systems where minimizing the number of interface lines
minimizes the number of opto-isolators required in the system.
The rise and fall times of the digital inputs to the AD7714
(especially the SCLK input) should be no longer than 1
Most of the registers on the AD7714 are 8-bit registers which
facilitates easy interfacing to the 8-bit serial ports of microcon-
trollers. Some of the registers on the part are up to 24 bits, but
data transfers to these 24-bit registers can consist of a full 24-bit
transfer or three 8-bit transfers to the serial port of the micro-
controller. DSP processors and microprocessors generally trans-
fer 16 bits of data in a serial data operation. Some of these
processors, such as the ADSP-2105, have the facility to program
the amount of cycles in a serial transfer. This allows the user to
tailor the number of bits in any transfer to match the register
length of the required register in the AD7714.
Even though some of the registers on the AD7714 are only eight
bits in length, communicating with two of these registers in
successive write operations can be handled as a single 16-bit
data transfer if required. For example, if the Mode Register is to
be updated, the processor must first write to the Communica-
tions Register (saying that the next operation is a write to the
Mode Register) and then write eight bits to the Mode Register.
This can all be done in a single 16-bit transfer if required be-
cause once the eight serial clocks of the write operation to the
Communications Register have been completed the part imme-
diately sets itself up for a write operation to the Mode Register.
AD7714 to 68HC11 Interface
Figure 9 shows an interface between the AD7714 and the
68HC11 microcontroller. The diagram shows the minimum
(three-wire) interface with
CS on the AD7714 hard-wired low.
In this scheme, the
DRDY bit of the Communications Register
is monitored to determine when the Data Register is updated.
An alternative scheme, which increases the number of interface
lines to four, is to monitor the
DRDY output line from the
AD7714. The monitoring of the
DRDY line can be done in two
ways. First,
DRDY can be connected to one of the 68HC11’s
port bits (such as PC0) which is configured as an input. This
port bit is then polled to determine the status of
second scheme is to use an interrupt driven system in which
case, the
DRDY output is connected to the IRQ input of the
68HC11. For interfaces which require control of the
CS input
on the AD7714, one of the port bits of the 68HC11 (such as
PC1), which is configured as an output, can be used to drive the
CS input.