Data Sheet
Product Specification
13.0 Company or Product Inquiries
For more information about AMI Semiconductor, our technology and our product, visit our Web site at:
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Production Technical Data - The information contained in this document applies to a product in production. AMI Semiconductor and its subsidiaries (“AMIS”) have made every effort to ensure
that the information is accurate and reliable. However, the characteristics and specifications of the product are subject to change without notice and the information is provided “AS IS” without
warranty of any kind (express or implied). Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify that data being relied on is the most current and complete. AMIS
reserves the right to discontinue production and change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Products sold by AMIS are covered by the warranty and patent
indemnification provisions appearing in its Terms of Sale only. AMIS makes no other warranty, express or implied, and disclaims the warranties of noninfringement, merchantability, or fitness
for a particular purpose. AMI Semiconductor's products are intended for use in ordinary commercial applications. These products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for
use in life-support systems or other critical applications where malfunction may cause personal injury. Inclusion of AMIS products in such applications is understood to be fully at the
customer’s risk. Applications requiring extended temperature range, operation in unusual environmental conditions, or high reliability, such as military or medical life-support, are specifically
not recommended without additional processing by AMIS for such applications. Copyright 2006 AMI Semiconductor, Inc.
AMI Semiconductor – July 06, M-20595-001