Rev 1.1
May 2003
Page 15 of 28
FRAM Memory Operation
The memory array is logically organized as 32,768 x
8 with the upper 16 bytes disabled and allocated to
the RTC and supervisor control settings. It is
accessed using an industry standard SRAM-type
parallel interface. It is virtually identical to the 32Kx8
FM1808 in function. The memory array in the
FM3808 is inherently nonvolatile via its unique
ferroelectric process. All data written to the part is
immediately nonvolatile with no delay. Functional
operation of the FRAM memory is similar to SRAM
type devices. The major operating difference between
the FRAM array and an SRAM (besides nonvolatile
storage) is that the FM3808 latches the address on the
falling edge of /CE.
Users access 32,752 memory locations each with 8
data bits through a parallel interface. The complete
15-bit address specifies each of 32,768 bytes
uniquely, with the upper 16 locations allocated to
timekeeping functions. Internally, the memory array
is organized into 32 blocks of 8Kb each. The 5 most-
significant address lines decode one of 32 blocks.
This block segmentation has no effect on operation,
however the user may wish to group data into blocks
by its endurance requirements as explained in a later
The access and cycle time are the same for read and
write memory operations. Writes occur immediately
at the end of the access with no delay. A precharge
operation, where /CE goes inactive, is a part of every
memory cycle. Thus unlike SRAM, the access and
cycle times are not equal.
The FM3808 is designed to operate in a manner very
similar to other bytewide memory products. For users
familiar with BBSRAM, the performance is
comparable but the bytewide interface operates in a
slightly different manner as described below. For
users familiar with EEPROM, the obvious differences
result from the higher write-performance of FRAM
technology including NoDelay writes and much
higher write-endurance.
Read Operation
A read operation begins on the falling edge of /CE.
At this time, the address bits are latched and a
memory cycle is initiated. Once started, a full
memory cycle will be completed internally even if the
/CE is taken inactive. Data becomes available on the
bus after the access time has been satisfied.
After the address has been latched, the address value
may be changed upon satisfying the hold time
parameter. Unlike an SRAM, changing address values
will have no effect on the memory operation after the
address is latched.
The FM3808 will drive the data bus when /OE is
asserted low. If /OE is asserted after the memory
access time has been satisfied, the data bus will be
driven with valid data. If /OE is asserted prior to
completion of the memory access, the data bus will
not be driven until valid data is available. This feature
minimizes supply current in the system by eliminating
transients due to invalid data. When /OE is inactive,
the data bus will remain tri-stated.
Write Operation
Writes occur in the FM3808 in the same time interval
as reads. The FM3808 supports both /CE and /WE
controlled write cycles. In all cases, the address is
latched on the falling edge of /CE.
In a /CE controlled write, the /WE signal is asserted
prior to beginning the memory cycle. That is, /WE is
low when /CE falls. In this case, the part begins the
memory cycle as a write. The FM3808 will not drive
the data bus regardless of the state of /OE.
In a /WE controlled write, the memory cycle begins
on the falling edge of /CE. The /WE signal falls after
the falling edge of /CE. Therefore, the memory cycle
begins as a read. The data bus will be driven
according to the state of /OE until /WE falls. The
timing of both /CE and /WE controlled write cycles is
shown in the electrical specifications.
Write access to the array begins asynchronously after
the memory cycle is initiated. The write access
terminates on the rising edge of /WE or /CE,
whichever is first. Data set-up time, as shown in the
electrical specifications, indicates the interval during
which data cannot change prior to the end of the write
Unlike other truly nonvolatile memory technologies,
there is no write delay with FRAM. Since the read
and write access times of the underlying memory are
the same, the user experiences no delay through the
bus. The entire memory operation occurs in a single
bus cycle. Therefore, any operation including read or
write can occur immediately following a write. Data
polling, a technique used with EEPROMs to
determine if a write is complete, is unnecessary.
Precharge Operation
The precharge operation is an internal condition
where the state of the memory is prepared for a new
access. All memory cycles consist of a memory
access and a precharge. The precharge is user
initiated by taking the /CE signal high or inactive. It