SEP. 2004 Ver 2.00
Release the Wake-up Timer mode
The exit from Wake-up Timer mode is hardware reset,
Timer0 overflow or external interrupt. Reset re-defines all
the Control registers but does not change the on-chip
RAM. External interrupts and Timer0 overflow allow both
on-chip RAM and Control registers to retain their values.
If I-flag = 1, the normal interrupt response takes place. If I-
flag = 0, the chip will resume execution starting with the
instruction following the STOP instruction. It will not vec-
tor to interrupt service routine.(refer to Figure 17-1)
When exit from Wake-up Timer mode by external inter-
rupt or timer0 overflow, the oscillation stabilization time is
not required to normal operation. Because this mode do not
stop the on-chip oscillator shown as Figure 17-4.
Figure 17-4 Wake-up Timer Mode Releasing by External Interrupt or Timer0 Interrupt
17.4 Internal RC-Oscillated Watchdog Timer Mode
In the Internal RC-Oscillated Watchdog Timer mode, the
on-chip oscillator is stopped. But internal RC oscillation
circuit is oscillated in this mode. The on-chip RAM and
Control registers are held. The port pins out the values held
by their respective port data register, port direction regis-
The Internal RC-Oscillated Watchdog Timer mode is
activated by execution of STOP instruction after set-
ting the bit WAKEUP and RCWDT of CKCTLR to "
01 ". (This register should be written by byte operation.
If this register is set by bit manipulation instruction, for
example "set1" or "clr1" instruction, it may be unde-
sired operation)
Caution: After STOP instruction, at least two or more
NOP instruction should be written
The exit from Internal RC-Oscillated Watchdog Timer
mode is hardware reset or external interrupt. Reset re-de-
fines all the Control registers but does not change the on-
chip RAM. External interrupts allow both on-chip RAM
and Control registers to retain their values.
If I-flag = 1, the normal interrupt response takes place. In
this case, if the bit WDTON of CKCTLR is set to "0" and
the bit WDTE of IENH is set to "1", the device will execute
the watchdog timer interrupt service routine.(Figure 17-5)
However, if the bit WDTON of CKCTLR is set to "1", the
device will generate the internal RESET signal and exe-
cute the reset processing. (Figure 17-6)
If I-flag = 0, the chip will resume execution starting with
the instruction following the STOP instruction. It will not
vector to interrupt service routine.(refer to Figure 17-1)
When exit from Internal RC-Oscillated Watchdog Timer
mode by external interrupt, the oscillation stabilization
time is required to normal operation. Figure 17-5 shows
the timing diagram. When release the Internal RC-Oscil-
lated Watchdog Timer mode, the basic interval timer is ac-
tivated on wake-up. It is increased from 00
until FF
. The
count overflow is set to start normal operation. Therefore,
before STOP instruction, user must be set its relevant pres-
caler divide ratio to have long enough time (more than
20msec). This guarantees that oscillator has started and
By reset, exit from internal RC-Oscillated Watchdog Tim-
er mode is shown in Figure 17-6.
Wake-up Timer Mode
( stop the CPU clock )
(XI pin)
STOP Instruction
Normal Operation
Normal Operation
Do not need Stabilization Time