Bit 3 - FIFO 25% Full (read only)
This bit goes high after 4 words (or 8 bytes) have been
loaded into the FIFO, and low again when 5 words (or
10 bytes) may be loaded into the FIFO. There is no
interrupt associated with this bit directly.
Bit 4 - FIFO 50% Full (read only)
This bit goes high after 8 words (or 16 bytes) have been
loaded into the FIFO, and low again when 9 words (or
18 bytes) may be loaded into the FIFO. There is no
interrupt associated with this bit directly.
Bit 5 - FIFO 75% Full (read only)
This bit goes high after 12 words (or 24 bytes) have
been loaded into the FIFO, and low again when 13
words (or 26 bytes) may be loaded into the FIFO. There
is no interrupt associated with this bit directly.
Bit 6 - FIFO DIR (read only)
This bit goes high when a single word (or two bytes)
may be written to the FIFO. There is no interrupt
associated with this bit directly. Note that this bit resets
to a one because when the FIFO is reset it is forced to
be “empty,” and hence is ready to accept data.
Bit 7 - FIFO DOR (read only)
This bit goes high when a single word (or two bytes)
may be read from the FIFO. There is no interrupt
associated with this bit directly.
IR9D Record FIFO IRQ Mode
Bits 7:4 - reserved
Bit 3 - FIFO IRQ Enable (RFIE)
This bit enables the various FIFO capacity thresholds
to generate interrupts (as RECIRQ) when one. When
zero, this bit prevents FIFO capacity IRQ generation
when operating in DMA mode, which only needs
Bits 2:0 - FIFO Ready IRQ Mode Selection
This register defines FIFO utilization for both DMA
and I/O mode data transfers. In I/O mode, it is used to
generate interrupts (RECIRQ) when the FIFO capacity
reaches a predefined point. For DMA transfers, it sig-
nals the DMA logic to request a transfer at those same
predefined points. By programming the Record DMA
Burst Count appropriately, the FIFO may be easily kept
near the desired capacity.
The following table describes the selections available:
EMPTY 75% Ready to take 13 words from DSP
EMPTY 50% Ready to take 9 words from DSP
EMPTY 25% Ready to take 5 words from DSP
Ready to provide 1 word to HOST
FULL 25%
Ready to provide 4 words to HOST
FULL 50%
Ready to provide 8 words to HOST
FULL 75%
Ready to provide 12 words
Ready to take 1 word from DSP
Note that for byte transfers (RDMA16=0), the numbers listed
above should be doubled.
This must be programmed before the FIFO is enabled. It may
be changed while the FIFO is enabled if necessary. This register
is cleared by MCR, but not by RFE low.
IR9E reserved
IR9F reserved
Miscellaneous Registers
IRA0 Digital Master Volume
Bits 7:0 - Volume
This value is used to scale all values that are output from
the DSP to the DAC. It may be written while the DSP
is running.
The value written is interpreted as to give a log scale
output response of 0.1875dB per step. The value for
nominal (0dB attenuation) is E0h. A value of FFh gives
5.8125dB of gain. Note that any value above E0h may
result in digital saturation of the internal 16 bit data