Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
December 4, 2006
ICP Offset
The ICP cell is used for IMA frame synchronization. The ICP offset is used to tell the receive side the ICP cell’s position in an IMA
frame and the receive side can make use of this information to figure out the first cell of the frame.
ICP Cell
The ICP cell is a kind of OAMcell. It can be used by the IMA sublayer to delineate the IMA frame. Also, it conveys information about
the status or configuration parameters of each end.
ICP Stuff
The ICP stuff is two consecutive ICP cells at the ICP offset position. The ICP stuff is inserted by repeating the ICP cell. The purpose
of the ICP stuff is to decrease the IMA data cell rate of fast links at the transmt side. When an ICP stuff is inserted into an IMA frame,
the frame length will become M+1, with Mbeing the frame length without ICP stuff.
IMA Frame Synchro-
nization Mechanism
This is a state machine used for receiving IMA frame synchronization. It is an analogy to the cell delineation mechanismdefined in
ITU-T recommendation I.432.
Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
IMA Frame
The IMA frame is a cell streamtransmtted over IMA links within an IMA group. There are altogether Mcells in one IMA frame without
ICP stuff. Mcould be 32, 64, 128 or 256. In each IMA frame, there are one ICP cell, ATMlayer cells and IMA Filler cells. The ICP
cells occur at the offset position specified in the ICP cell (the offset may be different for different links).
IMA Group
The IMA group is a number of links at one end that are used to establish an IMA virtual link to the other end.
IMA Link
An IMA link is a unidirectional logical link of a physical link’s Tx or Rx direction. The IMA link is identified by the value of LID field of
the ICP cells carried over that IMA link. Thus a physical link that connects two ends (A and B) may consist of two IMA links, one from
A to B and the other fromB to A.
IMA Sublayer
The IMA is a sublayer part of the Physical layer and located between the interface specific Transmssion Convergence (TC) sublayer
and the ATMlayer.
IMA Virtual Link
This is a data communication channel between two communication ends (two IMA units) over a number of physical links; These links
are also called an IMA group.
A downloaded software used when the device is in normal communication.
A downloaded software used when the device operates in Slave Mode. It supports the Group Auto Detect function.
Independent Trans-
mit Clock (ITC)
This is a configuration where there is at least one IMA link within an IMA group that has its transmt clock derived froma clock source
that is different fromthat of other IMA links. The IMA transmtter may indicate that it is in the ITC mode even if all of the transmt
clocks of the links are derived fromthe same source.
In Group
This is an event indicating that a link has been configured into an IMA group.
This represents the action to voluntarily disable the capacity of the group or the link to carry ATMlayer cells for reasons other than
reported problems.
Group state indicating that the group does not have sufficient links in the Active state to be in the Operational state.
This stands for Link Addition and Slow Recovery procedure.
Loss of Cell Delineation defect. The LCD defect is reported when the OCD anomaly persists for the time specified in ITU-T Recom-
mendation I.432 [30]. The LCD defect is cleared when the OCD anomaly has not been detected for the period of time specified in
ITU-T Recommendation I.432.
Link Identifier. The LID field in the ICP cell is used to identify an IMA link on which the ICP cells are transmtted. The LID is been used
to determne the round-robin order to retrieve cells fromthe incomng IMA links at the IMA receiver.
Loss of IMA Frame defect. The LIF defect is the occurrence of persistent OIF anomalies for at least 2 IMA frames.
The term“l(fā)ink” refers to an IMA link in this data sheet, unless the context clearly refers to a physical link.
Link Defect
A link defect is the occurrence of the persistent detection of an anomaly at the Interface Specific Transmssion Convergence sub-
layer. LOS, LOF/OOF, AIS, LOC and LCD defects are examples of link defects reported at the Interface Specific Transmssion Con-
vergence sublayer.