Dual-Resistive, Low-Cost SLIC
Advance Data Sheet
March 1997
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Operating States
Each channel of the L8575 has four operating states:
active, test, powerdown with relay driver RDD ON, and
powerdown with relay driver RDD OFF. These states
are selected using 2 bits, D0 and D1, via the serial
interface according to the truth table shown below.
Table 15. Truth Table for D1 and D0
Logic input D2 operates the ringing relay driver, RDR,
independent of the state of bits D0 and D1; however,
the ring-trip detector is enabled only when D2 operates
the ringing relay driver. Hence, the ringing relay driver
is not interchangeable with any of the other relay driv-
ers. Logic input D3 operates the test relay driver, RDT,
independent of the state of bits D0 and D2.
Active State
This is the normal operating state (talk state) of the
channel. All circuits are operational. The Tip drive cur-
rent source sinks 5.6 mAdc from PT; the Ring drive
current source sinks 5.6 mAdc into PR.
Test State
This is the test state of the channel. It is the same as
the active state except that the Ring drive current
source is saturated to ground and the Tip driver current
source is saturated to V
. This forces the loop-closure
and ring-trip detectors to indicate an off-hook. This
state is valid only when the ringing relay is not operated
(D2 = 0).
Powerdown State with Relay Driver RDD
This is the disconnect state of the channel. It is the
same as the powerdown state except that relay driver
RDD is also operated. When required, this relay may
be used to disconnect the external dc feed resistors in
order to provide a high-impedance termination to the
subscriber loop.
Powerdown State
This is the normal idle state (scan state) of the channel.
The loop-closure, ring-trip, and common-mode fault
detectors are active, but all other circuits are shut down
to conserve power. All circuits common to both chan-
nels remain active. The powerdown of channel A does
not affect an active channel B and vice-versa.
Ringing State (D2 = 1)
When D2 = 1, the ringing relay driver is activated. The
operational state of the SLIC is unaffected except for
the ring-trip and fault detectors. The digital portion of the
ring-trip detector is enabled when D2 = 1 (relay drive ac-
tivated) and disabled when D2 = 0 (relay drive deacti-
vated). The ring-trip detector functions properly only
when D2 = 1 so that a valid ringing signal (ac and dc) is
present. When D2 = 0, the digital portion of the ring-trip
detector is bypassed so that most of the ring-trip circuit
can be tested in the test state. When D2 = 1, the fault
detector is also disabled (FLT forced to 0).
Channel Active.
Channel Test.
Channel Powerdown and
Relay RDD driver ON (RDD low).
Channel Powerdown. Relay RDD
driver OFF/RDD high.