Octal E1 Line Interface
When TCLK is held high for at least 12
s, TPOS and TNEG become RZ formatted inputs. In this
mode, TPOS and TNEG control the pulse width and polarity on TTIP and TRING.
If TCLK is held Low, the output drivers enter a low power, high impedance mode. The OE pin can also
be used to set all the output drivers to an high impedance mode. This feature is useful for
redundancy/protection applications.
Each output driver is supplied by a separate power supply (TVCC and TGND).
Transmit Pulse Shaping
In NRZ mode, the transmitted pulse shape is internally generated using a high speed D/A
converter. Shaped pulses are further applied to the line driver for transmission onto the line at TTIP
and TRING. The line driver provides a constant low output impedance regardless of whether it is
driving marks, spaces or if it is in transition. This well controlled dynamic impedance provides
excellent return loss when used with external precision resistors (± 1% accuracy) in series with the
transformer. See
Figure 5
The LXT381 produces 2.048 MHz pulses for both 75
coaxial (2.37 V) or 120
twisted-pair (3.0 V) lines through an output transformer with a 1:2 step up pulse transformer and 11
series resistors. No transmit component changes are required in 75 or 120
operation as the
output driver dynamically adjusts its output pulse amplitude.
Interfacing with 5V logic
The LXT381 can interface with 5V logic. In this case, the VCCIO pins should be connected to a
5V power supply. The VCCIO pins feed the digital I/O pads making the input/output voltage levels
consistent with 5V logic. See
Table 10
. The internal logic will still operate from the 3.3V supply
(VCC0 and VCC1) to minimize the power consumption.
Line Protection
In the receive side, the 1 k
series resistors protect the receiver against current surges coupled into
the device. Due to the high receiver impedance (70 k
typ.) the resistors do not affect the receiver
sensitivity. In the transmit side, the Schottky diodes D1-D4 protect the output driver.While not
mandatory for normal operation, these protection elements are strongly recommended to improve
the design robustness.
The LXT381 offers two loopback modes for diagnostic purposes. The loopback mode is selected
with the LOOPn pins.