Device Architecture
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AES decryption can also be used on the 1,024-bit FlashROM to allow for secure remote updates of
the FlashROM contents. This allows for easy, secure support for subscription model products. See
AES for Flash Memory
AES decryption can also be used on the flash memory blocks. This allows for the secure update of
the flash memory blocks. During runtime, the encrypted data can be clocked in via the JTAG
interface. The data can be passed through the internal AES decryption engine, and the decrypted
data can then be stored in the flash memory block.
Programming can be performed using various programming tools, such as Silicon Sculptor II (BP
Micro Systems) or FlashPro3 (Actel).
The user can generate STP programming files from the Designer software and can use these files to
program a device.
Fusion devices can be programmed in-system. During programming, VCCOSC is needed in order to
power the internal 100 MHz oscillator. This oscillator is used as a source for the 20 MHz oscillator
that is used to drive the charge pump for programming.
Fusion devices support IEEE 1532 ISP via JTAG and require a single VPUMP voltage of 3.3 V during
programming. In addition, programming via a microcontroller in a target system can be achieved.
Programming with IEEE 1532
Fusion devices support the JTAG-based IEEE1532 standard for ISP. As part of this support, when a
Fusion device is in an unprogrammed state, all user I/O pins are disabled. This is achieved by
keeping the global IO_EN signal deactivated, which also has the effect of disabling the input
buffers. Consequently, the SAMPLE instruction will have no effect while the Fusion device is in this
unprogrammed state—different behavior from that of the ProASICPLUS device family. This is done
because SAMPLE is defined in the IEEE1532 specification as a noninvasive instruction. If the input
buffers were to be enabled by SAMPLE temporarily turning on the I/Os, then it would not truly be
Boundary Scan
Fusion devices are compatible with IEEE Standard 1149.1, which defines a hardware architecture
and the set of mechanisms for boundary scan testing. The basic Fusion boundary scan logic circuit is
composed of the test access port (TAP) controller, test data registers, and instruction register
Each test section is accessed through the TAP, which has five associated pins: TCK (test clock input),
TDI, TDO (test data input and output), TMS (test mode selector), and TRST (test reset input). TMS,
TDI, and TRST are equipped with pull-up resistors to ensure proper operation when no input data is
supplied to them. These pins are dedicated for boundary scan test usage. Refer to the
"JTAG Pins"The 1s and 0s represent the values that must be present on TMS at a rising edge of TCK for the