Feb 18, 2005
page 63 of 85
7512 Group
Fig. 70 Structure of flash memory control register 1
Figure 70 shows the flash memory control register 1.
Bit 0 is erase suspend enable bit, and setting this bit “1” erase
suspend mode which makes erase operation interrupt briefly dur-
ing erase operation. To set this bit to “1”, it is necessary to write “0”
and then write “1” in succession. This bit can be set to “0” by only
writing “0”.
Bit 1 is erase suspend request bit. Writing this bit “1” when the
Flash memory control register 1
(0FE116, Initial 4016)
Erase suspend enable bit (Note 1)
0 : Erase suspend invalid
1 : Erase suspend valid
Erase suspend request bit (Note 2)
0 : Resume erase operation (No request)
1 : Interrupt erase operation (Requested)
Not used (“0” at write)
Erase suspend flag
0 : Executing erase operation
1 : Suspending erase operation (Erase suspend mode)
Not used (“0” at write)
Note 1 To set this bit “1”, write “0” and then write “1” in succession. To reset
this bit “0”, only write “0”.
2 This bit is valid only when erase suspend enable bit is “1”.
erase suspend enable bit is “1”, erase operation is interrupted.
Bit 6 is erase suspend flag, and becomes “0” during erase opera-
Figure 71 shows flash memory control register 2.
Bit 1 is EW1 mode select bit. Setting this bit “1”, EW1 mode be-
comes available.
Bit 4 is All user block E/W enable bit.
Fig. 71 Structure of flash memory control register 2
Table. 15 Specification of E/W protect
All user block
E/W enable bit
8KB user block
E/W enable bit
8 KBX2 block
Addresses C00016 to FFFF16
16 KBX2 block
Addresses 400016 to BFFF16
Data block
Addresses 100016 to 1FFF16
Flash memory control register 2
(0FE216, Initial 4516)
Reserved (returns unknown when read)
EW1 mode select bit (Note 1, 3)
0 : E/W0 mode
1 : E/W1 mode
Reserved (returns unknown when read)
All user block E/W enable bit (Note 1, 2)
0 : E/W prohibit
1 : E/W enable
Reserved (“0” at write, returns “0” at read)
Not used (Indefinite at read)
Not used (returns “0” at read)
Note 1 To set this bit “1”, it is necessary to write “0” and then write “1” in
succession. This bit can be set to “0” by only writing “0”.
Note 2 This bit can be written only CPU rewrite mode selection bit “1”.
Note 3 Setting this bit “1” must be done at CPU rewrite mode select bit is “1”.