38B5 Group User’s Manual
(1) Serial I/O1 Operation
Either the internal synchronous clock or external synchronous clock
can be selected by the serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bits
(b2 and b3 of address 001916) of serial I/O1 control register 1 as
synchronous clock for serial transfer.
The internal synchronous clock has a built-in dedicated divider where
7 different clocks are selected by the internal synchronous clock
selection bits (b5, b6 and b7 of address 001C16) of serial I/O1
control register 3.
The P62/SRDY1/AN8, P64/INT4/SBUSY1/AN10, and P65/SSTB1/AN11
pins each select either I/O port or handshake I/O signal by the
serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bits (b2 and b3 of address
001916) of serial I/O1 control register 1 as well as the P62/SRDY1
P64/SBUSY1 pin control bits (b0 to b3 of address 001A16) of serial
I/O1 control register 2.
For the SOUT1 being used as an output pin, either CMOS output or
N-channel open-drain output is selected by the P51/SOUT1 P-chan-
nel output disable bit (b7 of address 001A16) of serial I/O1 control
register 2.
Either output active or high-impedance can be selected as a SOUT1
pin state at serial non-transfer by the SOUT1 pin control bit (b6 of
address 001A16) of serial I/O1 control register 2. However, when
the external synchronous clock is selected, perform the following
setup to put the SOUT1 pin into a high-impedance state.
When the SCLK1 input is “H” after completion of transfer, set the
SOUT1 pin control bit to “1.”
When the SCLK1 input goes to “L” after the start of the next serial
transfer, the SOUT1 pin control bit is automatically reset to “0” and
put into an output active state.
Regardless of whether the internal synchronous clock or external
synchronous clock is selected, the full duplex mode and the trans-
mit-only mode are available for serial transfer, one of which is se-
lected by the transfer mode selection bit (b5 of address 001916) of
serial I/O1 control register 1.
Either LSB first or MSB first is selected for the I/O sequence of the
serial transfer bit strings by the transfer direction selection bit (b6 of
address 001916) of serial I/O1 control register 1.
When using serial I/O1, first select either 8-bit serial I/O or auto-
matic transfer serial I/O by the serial transfer selection bits (b0 and
b1 of address 001916) of serial I/O1 control register 1, after comple-
tion of the above bit setup. Next, set the serial I/O initialization bit
(b4 of address 001916) of serial I/O1 control register 1 to “1” (Serial
I/O enable) .
When stopping serial transfer while data is being transferred, re-
gardless of whether the internal or external synchronous clock is
selected, reset the serial I/O initialization bit (b4) to “0.”
Serial I/O1 control register 3
(SIO1CON3 (SC13): address 001C16)
Internal synchronous clock selection bits
000: f(XIN)/4 or f(XCIN)/8
001: f(XIN)/8 or f(XCIN)/16
010: f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/32
011: f(XIN)/32 or f(XCIN)/64
100: f(XIN)/64 or f(XCIN)/128
101: f(XIN)/128 or f(XCIN)/256
110: f(XIN)/256 or f(XCIN)/512
Automatic transfer interval set bits
00000: 2 cycles of transfer clocks
00001: 3 cycles of transfer clocks
11110: 32 cycles of transfer clocks
11111: 33 cycles of transfer clocks
Data is written to a latch and read from a decrement counter.
Fig. 23 Structure of serial I/O1 control register 3