MB89190/190A series
Chapter 10 External Interrupt Circuit 1 (Edge)
3 Pins for External Interrupt Circuit 1
The pins and their block diagram related to the external interrupt circuit 1 are
T Pins for external interrupt circuit 1
The pins for the external interrupt circuit 1 are P34/INT10, P35/INT11, P36/INT12.
P34/TO/INT10 pin
This pin functions as a general-purpose I/O port (P34), as an 8/16-bit timer/counter as square wave
output (TO) and as an external interrupt input (hysteresis input) (INT10). It functions as the external
interrupt input pin (INT10) when the square wave output of the 8/16-bit timer/counter is disabled using
the timer 1 control register (T1CR) and this pin is set to the input port using the port direction register
(DDR3). However, no interrupt request occurs when this pin is set so that no edge can be detected
using the external interrupt 1 control register 1 (EIC1). Also, no interrupt request is output when the
interrupt request output is not enabled. The pin state can be read from the port data register (PDR3)
at any time.
P35/INT11 and P36/INT12 pins
These pins function as general-purpose I/O ports (P35, P36), and as the external interrupt inputs
(hysteresis inputs) (INT11, INT12). They function as the external interrupt input pins (INT11, INT12)
when the corresponding pins are set to the input ports using the port direction register (DDR3).
However, no interrupt request occurs when these pins are set so that no edge can be detected using
the external interrupt 1 control registers 1, 2 (EIC1, EIC2). Also, no interrupt request is output when
the interrupt request output is not enabled. The pin state can be read from the port data register
(PDR3) at any time.
Table 10-3 shows the pins related to the external interrupt circuit.
Table 10-3 Pins related to External Interrupt Circuit 1
interrupt pin
Used as external interrupt input
(interrupt request output enabled)
Used as general-purpose I/O port (interrupt
request output or edge detection disabled)
INT10 (EIC1: EIE0 = 1, DDR3: bit 4 = 0,
T1CR: T1OS1, T1OS0 = 00B)
P34 (EIC1: EIE0 = 0 or SL01, SL00 = 00B)
INT11 (EIC1: EIE1 = 1, DDR3: bit 5 = 0)
P35 (EIC1: EIE1 = 0 or SL11, SL10 = 00B)
INT12 (EIC2: EIE2 = 1, DDR3: bit 6 = 0)
P36 (EIC2: EIE2 = 0 or SL21, SL20 = 00B)