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MC68HC05V7 Specification Rev. 1.0
WCOL - Write Collision
The write collision bit is set when an attempt is made to write to the serial
peripheral data register while data transfer is taking place. If CPHA is zero, a
transfer is said to begin when SS goes low and the transfer ends when SS goes
high after eight clock cycles on SCK. When CPHA is one, a transfer is said to
begin the first time SCK becomes active while SS is low and the transfer ends
when the SPIF flag gets set. Clearing the WCOL bit is accomplished by reading
the SPSR (with WCOL set) followed by an access to SPDR.
Bit 5 - Not implemented
This bit always reads zero.
MODF - Mode Fault
The mode fault flag indicates that there may have been a multi-master conflict
for system control and allows a proper exit from system operation to a reset or
default system state. The MODF bit is normally clear, and is set only when the
master device has its SS pin pulled low. Setting the MODF bit affects the internal
serial peripheral interface system in the following ways:
SPI interrupt is generated if SPIE=1.
SPE bit is cleared. This disables the SPI.
MSTR bit is cleared, thus forcing the device into the slave mode.
Clearing the MODF bit is accomplished by reading the SPSR (with MODF set),
followed by a write to the SPCR. Control bits SPE and MSTR may be restored
to their original state by user software after the MODF bit has been cleared. It is
also necessary to restore DDRD after a mode fault.
Bits 3-0 - Not Implemented
These bits always read zero.
Serial Peripheral Data I/O Register (SPDR)
The serial peripheral data I/O register is used to transmit and receive data on the serial bus.
Only a write to this register will initiate transmission/reception of another byte, and this will
only occur in the master device. At the completion of transmitting a byte of data, the SPIF
status bit is set in both the master and slave devices.
When the user reads the serial peripheral data I/O register, a buffer is actually being read.
The first SPIF must be cleared by the time a second transfer of the data from the shift
register to the read buffer is initiated, or an overrun condition will exist. In cases of overrun,
the byte that causes the overrun is lost.
A write to the serial peripheral data I/O register is not buffered and places data directly into
the shift register for transmission.