DS22272C-page 70
2011-2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Software I2C Interface Reset
At times, it may become necessary to perform a
Software Reset Sequence to ensure the MCP47X6
device is in a correct and known I2C interface state.
This technique only resets the I2C state machine.
This is useful if the MCP47X6 device powers up in an
incorrect state (due to excessive bus noise, etc), or if
the master device is reset during communication.
software reset the device.
Software Reset Sequence
The 1st Start bit will cause the device to reset from a
state in which it is expecting to receive data from the
master device. In this mode, the device is monitoring
the data bus in Receive mode and can detect if the
Start bit forces an internal Reset.
The nine bits of ‘1’ are used to force a Reset of those
devices that could not be reset by the previous Start bit.
This occurs only if the MCP47X6 is driving an A bit on
the I2C bus, or is in Output mode (from a Read
command) and is driving a data bit of ‘0’ onto the I2C
bus. In both of these cases, the previous Start bit could
not be generated due to the MCP47X6 holding the bus
low. By sending out nine ‘1’ bits, it is ensured that the
device will see an A bit (the master device does not
drive the I2C bus low to acknowledge the data sent by
the MCP47X6), which also forces the MCP47X6 to
The 2nd Start bit is sent to address the rare possibility
of an erroneous write. This could occur if the master
device was reset while sending a Write command to the
MCP47X6, AND then as the master device returns to
normal operation and issues a Start condition, while the
MCP47X6 is issuing an acknowledge. In this case, if
the 2nd Start bit is not sent (and the Stop bit was sent)
the MCP47X6 could initiate a write cycle.
The Stop bit terminates the current I2C bus activity. The
MCP47X6 waits to detect the next Start condition.
This sequence does not effect any other I2C devices
which may be on the bus, as they should disregard this
as an invalid command.
This technique is documented in AN1028.
Nine bits of ‘1’
Start bit
Stop bit
The potential for this erroneous write
ONLY occurs if the master device is reset
while sending a Write command to the