Chapter 1
I - 4
Hardware Functions
5 External interrupts
- IRQ0 : Edge selectable. With/Without noise filter.
- IRQ1 : Edge selectable. With/Without noise filter. AC zero cross detector.
- IRQ2 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt.
(STOP/HALT : can be recovered at the both edges)
- IRQ3 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt.
(STOP/HALT : can be recovered at the both edges)
- IRQ4 : Key interrupt only
Timers / Counters
8 timers ( 7 can be operated independently )
- 8-bit timer for general use
3 sets
- 8-bit timer (also serves as UART baud rate timer)
1 set
- 8-bit free-running timer
1 set
Time base timer
1 set
- 16-bit timer for general use
2 sets
Timer 0 ( 8-bit timer for general use )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), PWM output, Event count,
Remote control carrier output, Simple pulse width measurement
- Clock source
fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/32, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4, fx, external clock
- Square wave output and PWM output can be output to large current driver
port P50 (TM00).
Timer 1 ( 8-bit timer for general use )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), Event count, 16-bit cascade
connection function ( connected to timer 0 ), Timer synchronous output
- Clock source
fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/213, fosc/215, fs/2, fs/8, fx, external clock
Timer 2 ( 8-bit timer for general use )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), Added pulse (2-bit)type PWM
Event count, Timer synchronous output, Simple pulse width measurement
- Clock source
fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/32, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4, fx, external clock
- Square wave output and PWM output can be output to large current driver
port P52 (TM20).
Timer 3 ( 8-bit timer for general use )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), Event counter, Serial transfer
clock, 16-bit cascade connection function ( connect to timer 2 ), Remote
control carrier output
- Clock source
fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/64, fosc/128, fs/2, fs/8, fx, external clock
- Can be used as UART baud rate timer