MPC561/MPC563 Reference Manual, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor
DPTRAM Test Register (DPTTCR)
DPTTCR (test register, address 0x30 0002) is used only during factory testing of the MPC561/MPC563,
and, if written, will generate a bus error.
RAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR)
The RAMBAR register is used to specify the 16 MSBs of the starting DPTRAM array location in the
memory map. In order to be accessible in the MPC561/MPC563 memory map, this register must be
programed to 0xFFA0.
This register can be written only once after a reset. This prevents runaway software from inadvertently
re-mapping the array. Since the locking mechanism is triggered by the first write after reset, the base
Table 20-2. DPTMCR Bit Settings
Low power stop (sleep) mode
0 DPTRAM clocks running
1 DPTRAM clocks shut down
Only the STOP bit in the DPTMCR may be accessed while the STOP bit is asserted. Accesses
to other DPTRAM registers may result in unpredictable behavior. Note also that the STOP bit
should be set and cleared independently of the other control bits in this register to guarantee
proper operation. Changing the state of other bits while changing the state of the STOP bit may
result in unpredictable behavior.
Multiple input signature flag. MISF is readable at any time. This flag bit should be polled by the
host to determine if the MISC has completed reading the DPTRAM. If MISF is set, the host
should read the MISRH and MISRL registers to obtain the DPTRAM signature.
0 First signature not ready
1 MISC has read entire DPTRAM. Signature is latched in MISRH and MISRL and is ready to
be read.
Multiple input signature enable. MISEN is readable and writable at any time. The MISC will only
operate when this bit is set and the MPC561/MPC563 is in TPU3 emulation mode. When
enabled, the MISC will continuously cycle through the DPTRAM addresses, reading each and
adding the contents to the MISR. In order to save power, the MISC can be disabled by clearing
the MISEN bit.
0MISC disabled
1 MISC enabled
RAM area supervisor/user program/data. The DPTRAM array may be placed in supervisor or
unrestricted Space. When placed in supervisor space, (RASP = 1), only a supervisor may
access the array. If a supervisor program is accessing the array, normal read/write operation will
occur. If a user program is attempting to access the array, the access will be ignored and the
address may be decoded externally.
0 Both supervisor and user access to DPTRAM allowed
1 Supervisor access only to DPTRAM allowed
Reserved. These bits are used for the IARB (interrupt arbitration ID) field in TPU3
implementations that use hardware interrupt arbitration.