MPC561/MPC563 Reference Manual, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor
Enable uncensored access. A censored access to the UC3F EEPROM is any access where the
device is in the censored mode.
The default reset state is ACCESS is a 0 so that FIC and CENSOR[0:1] control the state of
censorship to the UC3F EEPROM array. All accesses to the UC3F EEPROM array is allowed if
ACCESS can be read whenever the registers are enabled. ACCESS provides a method to bypass
the UC3F EEPROM module censorship.
0 Censored - UC3F array access allowed only if the censorship state is no censorship
1 Allows all UC3F array access
Censor accesses. The CENSOR[0:1] bits are implemented using non-volatile register bits or CAM
cells. The reset state of CENSOR[0:1] is user defined by the contents stored in the NVM register
CENSOR is not writable but the NVM register’s data can be set or cleared to the desired reset
state. Reading CENSOR while setting or clearing with the high voltage applied (CSC = 1 and HVS
= 1) will return 0’s.
00 cleared censorship, UC3F array access allowed only if device is in uncensored mode
01 no censorship, all UC3F array accesses allowed
10 no censorship, all UC3F array accesses allowed
11 information censorship, UC3F array access allowed only if device is in uncensored mode
Supervisor space. The SUPV bits are used to assign supervisor space restrictions for each block
of the UC3F array. The index for the SUPV bit field is used to determine block assignment. For
example, SUPV[0] is used for the supervisor space assignment of array block 0, while SUPV[4] is
used for array block 4 Supervisor space assignment.
Array block M is mapped into supervisor address space when SUPV[M] = 1, and only supervisor
accesses are allowed to array block M. If SUPV[M] = 0, then array block M is mapped into
unrestricted address space which allows both supervisor and user accesses to array block M.
The SUPV bits are not actually used in the UC3F EEPROM module but are used by the BIU to
determine access restrictions to UC3F array on a blockwise basis. The block addresses are
decoded in the BIU to determine which array block is selected, and the selected block’s SUPV bit
is compared with the address space attributes to determine validity of an array access.
When the small block function is enabled, the enabled small block portion of an array block is not
controlled by the SUPV bit corresponding to the array block containing that small block. This
particular small block is controlled by the appropriate SBSUPV bit while the remainder of that array
block is controlled by its SUPV bit.
0 array block M is placed in unrestricted address space
1 array block M is placed in supervisor address space
Table 21-3. UC3FMCR Bit Descriptions (continued)