MSP430x15x, MSP430x16x, MSP430x161x
Peripherals are connected to the CPU through data, address, and control busses and can be handled using
all instructions. For complete module descriptions, see the MSP430x1xx Family User’s Guide, literature number
DMA controller
The DMA controller allows movement of data from one memory address to another without CPU intervention.
For example, the DMA controller can be used to move data from the ADC12 conversion memory to RAM. Using
the DMA controller can increase the throughput of peripheral modules. The DMA controller reduces system
power consumption by allowing the CPU to remain in sleep mode without having to awaken to move data to
or from a peripheral.
oscillator and system clock
The clock system in the MSP430x15x and MSP430x16x(x) family of devices is supported by the basic clock
module that includes support for a 32768-Hz watch crystal oscillator, an internal digitally-controlled oscillator
(DCO) and a high frequency crystal oscillator. The basic clock module is designed to meet the requirements
of both low system cost and low-power consumption. The internal DCO provides a fast turn-on clock source
and stabilizes in less than 6
μs. The basic clock module provides the following clock signals:
D Auxiliary clock (ACLK), sourced from a 32768-Hz watch crystal or a high frequency crystal.
D Main clock (MCLK), the system clock used by the CPU.
D Sub-Main clock (SMCLK), the sub-system clock used by the peripheral modules.
brownout, supply voltage supervisor
The brownout circuit is implemented to provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power on
and power off. The supply voltage supervisor (SVS) circuitry detects if the supply voltage drops below a user
selectable level and supports both supply voltage supervision (the device is automatically reset) and supply
voltage monitoring (SVM, the device is not automatically reset).
The CPU begins code execution after the brownout circuit releases the device reset. However, VCC may not
have ramped to VCC(min) at that time. The user must insure the default DCO settings are not changed until VCC
reaches VCC(min). If desired, the SVS circuit can be used to determine when VCC reaches VCC(min).
digital I/O
There are six 8-bit I/O ports implemented—ports P1 through P6:
D All individual I/O bits are independently programmable.
D Any combination of input, output, and interrupt conditions is possible.
D Edge-selectable interrupt input capability for all the eight bits of ports P1 and P2.
D Read/write access to port-control registers is supported by all instructions.
watchdog timer
The primary function of the watchdog timer (WDT) module is to perform a controlled system restart after a
software problem occurs. If the selected time interval expires, a system reset is generated. If the watchdog
function is not needed in an application, the module can be configured as an interval timer and can generate
interrupts at selected time intervals.
hardware multiplier (MSP430x16x/161x Only)
The multiplication operation is supported by a dedicated peripheral module. The module performs 16
8, 8
16, and 8
8 bit operations. The module is capable of supporting signed and unsigned multiplication
as well as signed and unsigned multiply and accumulate operations. The result of an operation can be accessed
immediately after the operands have been loaded into the peripheral registers. No additional clock cycles are