S/UNI-JET Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990267, Issue 3
Pin Name
The Transmit Path Overhead Insertion (TPOHINS)
controls the insertion of PLCP overhead octets on the
TPOH input. When TPOHINS is logic one, the
associated overhead bit in the TPOH stream is inserted
in the transmit PLCP frame. When TPOHINS is logic
zero, the PLCP path overhead bit is generated and
inserted internally.
TPOHINS is sampled on the rising edge of TPOHCLK.
Note: When operating in G.751 E3 PLCP mode, bits 8, 7,
and 6 of the C1 octet should not be manipulated.
The Transmit PLCP Overhead Data (TPOH) valid when
the FRMRONLY bit in the S/UNI-JET Configuration 1
Register is logic zero. TPOH contains the PLCP path
overhead octets (Zn, F1, B1, G1, M1, M2, and C1) which
may be inserted in the transmit PLCP frame. The octet
data on TPOH is shifted in order from the most
significant bit (bit 1) to the least significant bit (bit 8).
TPOH is sampled on the rising edge of TPOHCLK.
The Framer Transmit Data (TDATI) contains the serial
data to be transmitted when the S/UNI-JET is configured
as a DS3, E3, or J2 framer device for non-ATM
applications by setting the FRMRONLY bit in the S/UNI-
JET Configuration 1 Register.
TDATI is sampled on the rising edge of TICLK if the
TXGAPEN register bit in the S/UNI-JET Configuration 2
Register is logic zero. If TXGAPEN is logic one, then
TDATI is sampled on the falling edge of TGAPCLK.