QL5064 QuickPCI Data Sheet Rev D
QL5064 QuickPCI Data Sheet
2.0 Architecture Overview
The QL5064 device in the QuickLogic QuickPCI ESP (Embedded Standard Products) family provides a
complete and customizable PCI interface solution combined with 74,000 system gates of programmable
logic. This device eliminates any need for the designer to worry about PCI bus compliance, yet allows
for the maximum possible PCI bus bandwidth.
The programmable logic portion of the device is built from 792 QuickLogic Logic Cells, and 11
QuickLogic Dual-Port RAM Blocks. The configurable RAM blocks can each operate in 64x18, 128x9,
256x4, or 512x2 mode. These dual-port RAM blocks can be cascaded to achieve deeper or wider
configurations. They can also be combined with logic cells to form FIFOs. See the RAM section of this
data sheet for more information.
The QL5064 device includes a complete pre-designed PCI Initiator/Target interface offering full burst
mode transfers at 32 or 64 bits per clock cycle. At 66 MHz, this device offers support for 533
Mbytes/sec data transfer rates (66.6 MHz * 8 bytes per transfer). At the maximum speed of 75 MHz
(exceeding the current maximum speed specification for PCI), the QL5064 device can achieve 600
Mbytes/sec data transfer rates. The PCI interface is configured via internal programmable configuration
bits, so no external EEPROM or memory is needed.
The QL5064 device meets PCI 2.2 electrical and timing specifications and has been fully hardware-
tested. This device also supports the Win’98 and PC’98 standards. The QL5064 device features 3.3-
volt operation with multi-volt compatible I/Os. Thus it can easily operate in 3.3-volt only systems, as
well as mixed 3.3 volt/5 volt system. It can be placed on a universal signaling PCI board.
A wide range of additional features complements the QL5064 device. The FPGA side of the device is
5 volt and 3.3-volt PCI-compliant and is capable of implementing FIFOs at 160 MHz, and counters at
over 250 MHz. I/O pins provide individually controlled output enables, dedicated input/feedback
registers, and full JTAG capability for boundary scan and test. In addition, the QL5064 device provides
the benefits of non-volatility, high design security, immediate functionality on power-up, and a self-
contained single chip solution.