Rev. 2.0
6.23 Testing
There are several testing and diagnostic options for the RTL8308B. This section will describe the External SRAM
Test, Production Testing and the External Loopback Test.
6.23.1 External SRAM Test
After RESET signal goes high, the RTL8308B will perform external memory self-test. It performs a worse case
test by changing Address & Data bus bits as much as possible between each access. The whole test takes about
14ms. The corresponding memory error indication bit accessible via serial LED interface will be turn on if any data
read is different from written.
6.23.2 Production Testing
The RTL8308B supports a simple but effective testing function for final production test in the process of switch
manufacturing. If board diagnostic function is enabled, the switch may act as a packet generator to be part of the
production test fixture to test finished switch system on production line. In this mode, the switch generates 16
broadcast packets on each port, from port 0 to port 4/7 sequentially. All other ports except the transmitting port
should received 16 valid packets. If any port failed to receive packets as expected, the switch will turn on the
corresponding RX ERR LED. Otherwise, RXOK LEDs will be lit. During the process of testing, the switch turns
on TXON LED of the transmitting port and RXON LED of all other ports. When the process completed
successfully, the switch will turn on the TESTOK LED. The switch will re-start testing cycle when a trigger signal
applied to the CFGIN pin or when a test cycle timer of 26 seconds expired. Note that all links must operate in full
duplex mode and transmit/receive at 100Mbps. Note that this feature is supported only when the switch in test
fixture and the switch in production are both designed based on the RTL8308B controllers.
6.23.3 Loopback
This feature is designed to simplify field support task for system manufacturers and distributors. In this mode, the
switch should have switch ports connected in pairs using cross-over CAT-5 cables. When external loop-back test is
enabled, the switch sends 16 packets on all active (connected) ports simultaneously. And each active port should
receive exactly 16 valid packets. . If any port failed to receive packets as expected, the switch will turn on the
corresponding RX ERR LED. Otherwise, RXOK LEDs will be lit. During the process of testing, the switch turns
on TXON LEDs and RXON LEDs of all active ports. When the process completed successfully, the switch will
turn on the TESTOK LED. The switch will re-start testing cycle when a trigger signal applied to the CFG_IN pin
or when a test cycle timer of 26 seconds expired. Note that all links must operate in full duplex mode and
transmit/receive at 100 Mbps.