Philips Semiconductors Linear Products
Product specification
Sample-and-hold amplifier
August 31, 1994
For many years designers have used the sample-and-hold (or
track-and-hold) to operate on analog information in a time frame
which is expedient.
By sampling a segment of the information and holding it until the
proper timing for converting to some form of control signal or
readout, the designer maintains certain freedom in performing
predetermined manipulative functions. Therefore, the
sample-and-hold can be defined as a “selective analog memory
The memory is volatile and will also decay with time.
When using the sample-and-hold method for evaluating signal
information, the designer is given the added feature of eliminating
outside noise elements. With the analog-to-digital converter
products available today, the “DC memory” of the sample-and-hold
can be easily converted to digital format and further incorporated
into microprocessor-based systems.
Parametric evaluation of the sample-and-hold will be discussed in
the following paragraphs.
Acquisition Time —
The time required to acquire a new analog input voltage with an
output step of 10V. Note that acquisition time is not just the time
required for the output to settle, but also includes the time required
for all internal nodes to settle so that the output assumes the proper
value when switched to the hold mode.
Aperture Delay Time —
The time elapsed from the hold command to the opening of the
Aperture Jitter —
Also called “aperture uncertainty time”, it is the time variation or
uncertainty with which the switch opens, or the time variation in
aperture delay.
Aperture Time —
The delay required between “HOLD” command and an input analog
transition, so that the transition does not affect the held output.
Bandwidth —
The frequency at which the gain is down 3dB from its DC value. It’s
measured in sample (track) mode with a small-signal sine wave that
doesn’t exceed the slew rate limit.
Dynamic Sampling Error —
The error introduced into the hold output due to a changing analog
input at the time the hold command is given. Error is expressed in
mV with a given hold capacitor value and input slew rate. Note that
this error term occurs even for long sample times.
Effective Aperture Delay —
The time difference between the hold command and the time at
which the input signal is at the held voltage.
Figure of Merit —
The ratio of the available charging current during sample mode to
the leakage current during hold mode.
Gain Error —
The ratio of output voltage swing to input voltage swing in the
sample mode expressed as a percent difference.
Hold Mode Droop —
The output voltage change per unit of time while in hold. Commonly
specified in V/s,
s or other convenient units.
Hold Mode Feedthrough —
The percentage of an input sinusoidal signal that is measured at the
output of a sample-hold when it’s in hold mode.
Hold Settling Time —
The time required for the output to settle within 1mV of final value
after the “HOLD” logic command.
Hold Step —
The voltage step at the output of the sample-and-hold when
switching from sample mode to hold mode with a steady (DC)
analog input voltage. Logic swing is 5V.
Sample-to-Hold Offset Error —
The difference in output voltage between the time the switch starts
to open, and the time when the output has settled completely. It is
caused by charge being transferred to the hold capacitor switch as it
Slew Rate —
The fastest rate at which the sample-and-hold output can change
(specified in V/
Threshold Level —
That level which causes the switch control to change state.
The basic circuit concept of the sample-and-hold circuit incorporates
the use of two (2) operational amplifiers and a switch control
mechanism (which determines sample, hold or track conditions).
The block diagram of the NE5537 is a closed loop, non-inverting
unity gain sample-and-hold system. The input buffer amplifier
supplies the current necessary to charge the hold capacitor, while
the output buffer amplifier closes the loop so that the output voltage
is identical to the input voltage (with consideration for input offset
voltage, offset current, and temperature variations which are
common to all sample-and-hold circuits, be they monolithic, hybrid
or modular).
When the sampling switch is open (in the hold mode), the clamping
diodes close the loop around the input amplifier to keep it from being
overdriven into saturation.
The switch control is driven by external logic levels via a timing
sequence remote from the sample-and-hold device (See Figure 1).
The switch control has a floating reference (Pin 7), referred to as the
logic reference which makes the sample-and-hold device compatible
to several types of external logic signals (TTL, PMOS, and CMOS).
The switching device operates at a threshold level of 1.4V.