5.3 - Flash Memory Configuration
ST10F168 Memory is determined by the state of
the EA pin at reset. This value is stored in the
Internal ROM Enable bit : ROMEN of the
SYSCON Register.
When ROMEN = 0, the internal FLASH is disabled
and external ROM is used for startup control.
Flash memory can be enabled later by setting the
ROMEN bit of SYSCON to 1. Ensure that the
code which performs this setting is NOT running
from external ROM in a segment that will be
replaced by FLASH memory, otherwise unex-
pected behaviour may occur.
For example, if the external ROM code is located
in the first 32K Byte of segment 0, the first
32K Byte of the FLASH must then be enabled in
segment 1. This is done by setting the ROMS1 bit
of SYSCON to 0, before or simultaneously with
setting the ROMEN bit. This must be done in the
externally supplied program, before the execution
of the EINIT instruction. If program execution
starts from external memory, but the Flash mem-
ory mapped in segment 0 is accessed later, then
the code that sets the ROMEN bit must be exe-
cuted either in segment 0 but above address
00’8000h, or from the internal RAM.
Bit ROMS1 only affects the mapping of the first
32K Byte of the Flash memory. All other parts of
04’FFFFh) remain unaffected.
Note: The SGTDIS Segmentation Disable /
Enable must also be set to 0 to enable the use of
the full 256K Byte of on-chip memory in addition
to the external boot memory. The correct proce-
dure for changing the segmentation registers
must be observed to prevent an unwanted trap
condition :
– Instructions that configure the internal memory
must only be executed from external memory or
from the internal RAM.
– An
instruction must be executed after Flash enabling,
before the next instruction, even if the next
instruction is located in the consecutive address.
– Whenever the internal memory is disabled, ena-
bled or remapped, the DPPs must be explicitly
(re)loaded to enable correct data accesses to
the internal memory and / or external memory.
5.4 - Flash Protection
If Flash Protection is active, data operands in the
on-chip Flash Memory area can only be read by a
program executed from the Flash Memory itself.
Program branches from or into the on-chip Flash
memory are possible in the Flash protection
mode. Erasing and programming of the Flash
memory is not possible as long as protection is
Flash protection is controlled by the Protection
UPROM Programming Bit (UPROG). UPROG is a
’hidden’ one-time programmable bit only accessi-
ble in a special mode which can be entered via a
Flash EPROM programming board for example. If
UPROG is set to ”1”, Flash protection is active
after reset. By default Flash Protection is disabled
When flash protection is active (the default after
reset if UPROG bit is set), then any read access in
the flash by a code executed from external or
internal RAM (IRAM or XRAM) will return the
value 0B88Bh. Any call of STEAK will return the
error code ‘01’ (Protected flash).
Normally Flash protection should never be deacti-
vated, once activated. If this has to be done, for
example because the Flash memory has to be
reprogrammed with updated program / variables,
a zero value has to be written at any even address
in the active address space of the Flash memory.
This write can be done only by an instruction exe-
cuted from the internal Flash Memory itself.
For example:
MOV FLASH,ZEROS ; Deactivate Flash
; Flash is any even address in Flash
memory space. This instruction MUST
be executed from Flash memory itself.
After this instruction, the flash is temporarily
de-protected, thus any read access of the flash
from code executed from external memory or
internal RAMs will be correctly executed, and calls
of STEAK can be correctly performed (program-
ming, erasing or status reading).
Note: 1. That all STEAK commands re-activate
the flash protection if bit UPROG is set
when completed.
5.5 - Bootstrap Loader Mode
Pin P0L.4 (BSL) activates the on-chip bootstrap
loader, when low during hardware reset. The
bootstrap loader allows moving the start code into
the internal RAM of the ST10F168 via the serial
interface ASC0. The ST10F168 will remain in
bootstrap loader mode until a hardware reset with
P0L.4 high or a software reset occurs. The boot-
straps loader acknowledge byte is D5h.