UART Control Register (UARTCR)
Address: D7h, Read/Write
Bit 7 = RXRDY.
Receiver Ready. This flag be-
comes active as soon as a complete byte has
been received and copied into the receive buffer.
It may be cleared by writing a zero to it. Writing a
one is possible. If the interrupt enable bit RXIEN is
set to one, a software interrupt will be generated.
Bit 6 = TXMT.
Transmitter Empty. This flag be-
comes active as soon as a complete byte has
been sent. It may be cleared by writing a zero to it.
It is automatically cleared by the action of writing a
data value into the UART data register.
Bit 5 = RXIEN.
Receive Interrupt Enable. When
this bit is set to 1, the receive interrupt is enabled.
Writing to RXIEN does not affect the status of the
interrupt flag RXRDY.
Bit 4 = TXIEN.
Transmit Interrupt Enable. When
this bit is set to 1, the transmit interrupt is enabled.
Writing to TXIEN does not affect the status of the
interrupt flag TXRDY.
Bit 3-1= BR2..BR0.
Baudrate select. These bits
select the operating baud rate of the UART, de-
pending on the frequency of fOSC. Care should
be taken not to change these bits during commu-
nication as writing to these bits has an immediate
Bit 0 = DAT9.
Parity/Data Bit 9. This bit represents
the 9th bit of the data character that is received or
transmitted. A write to this bit sets the level for the
bit 9 to be transmitted, so it must always be set to
the correct level before transmission. If used as
parity, the value has first to be calculated by soft-
ware. Reading this bit will return the 9th bit of the
received character.