The STOP and WAIT modes have been imple-
mented in the ST639x Core in order to reduce the
consumption of the device when the latter has no
instruction to execute. These two modes are de-
scribed in the followingparagraphs.On ST639x as
the hardware activateddigital watchdog functionis
present the STOP instruction is de-activated and
any attempt to execute it will cause the automatic
execution of a WAIT instruction.
The configurationof the MCU in theWAITmode oc-
curs as soon as the WAIT instruction is executed.
in a “software frozen” state where the Core stops
processing the instructions of the routine, the con-
tents of the RAM locations and peripheral registers
are saved as long as the power supply voltage is
higherthanthe RAM retentionvoltagebutwherethe
peripheralsarestill working.
The WAIT mode is usedwhen the user wantsto re-
ducetheconsumptionof the MCU when it is in idle,
whilenot losing countof time or monitoringof exter-
nal events. The oscillator is not stopped in order to
provide clock signal to the peripherals. The timers
counting may be enabled (writing the PSI bit in
TSCR register) and the timer interrupt may be also
enabledbeforeenteringthe WAIT mode;this allows
the WAIT mode to be left when timer interrupt oc-
curs. If the exit from the WAIT mode is performed
witha general RESET(either from the activation of
the externalpin or by watchdogreset)the MCU will
enter a normal reset procedureas describedin the
RESETchapter.If an interruptis generated during
WAIT mode the MCU behaviour depends on the
state of the ST639xCore beforetheinitializationof
the WAITsequence, but also of the kind of the in-
terrupt requestthat is generated. This case will be
described inthefollowingparagraphs.In anycase,
the ST639x Core does notgenerate any delay af-
ter the occurrence of the interrupt because the os-
cillator clock is still available.
On ST639x the hardwarewatchdog is present and
the STOP instruction has been de-activated. Any
attemptto executeaSTOPwill causetheautomat-
ic executionof aWAIT instruction.
Exit fromWAIT Mode
The following paragraphsdescribe the output pro-
cedure oftheST639x Core from WAITmode when
an interruptoccurs.Itmustbenotedthat therestart
sequence depends on the original state of the
MCU (normal, interrupt or non-maskableinterrupt
mode) before the start of the WAIT sequence,but
also of the type of the interrupt requestthat is gen-
erated.Inall casesthe GENbitof IORhas tobe set
to 1 in order to restartfrom WAIT mode. Contrary
to the operation of NMI in the RUN mode, the NMI
is masked inWAIT mode if GEN=0.
Normal Mode.
If theST639xCorewas in themain
asanyinterruptoccurs;the relatedinterruptroutineis
cutedif nootherinterruptsarepending.
Non-maskable Interrupt Mode.
If the WAIT in-
struction has been executed during the execution
of the non-maskable interrupt routine, the ST639x
Core outputs from the wait mode as soon as any
interrupt occurs: the instruction that follows the
WAITinstruction is executedand theST639xCore
is still in the non-maskable interrupt mode even if
another interrupthas been generated.
Normal Interrupt Mode.
If the ST639x Core was
in the interruptmode beforethe initializationof the
WAIT sequence, it outputs from the wait mode as
soon as any interrupt occurs. Nevertheless, two
cases have to be considered:
If the interrupt is a normal interrupt, the inter-
rupt routinein whichthe WAITwas enteredwill
be completedwith the executionof the instruc-
tion that follows the WAIT and the ST639x
Core is still in the interrupt mode. At the endof
this routine pending interruptswill be serviced
in accordance to their priority.
If theinterrupt is a non-maskable interrupt,the
non-maskable routine is processed at first.
Then, the routine in which the WAIT was en-
tered will be completed with the execution of
the instruction that follows the WAIT and the
ST639x Core is still in the normal interrupt
Notes :
If all the interrupt sources are disabled, the restart
of theMCU canonlybe done bya Resetactivation.
The Wait instruction is not executed if an enabled
interrupt request is pending. In the ST639x the
hardware activated digital watchdog function is
present. As the watchdog is always activated the
STOP instruction is de-activatedand any attempt
to executethe STOP instructionwill cause an exe-
cution of a WAIT instruction.