QPRO XQR4000XL Radiation Hardened FPGAs
DS071 (v1.1) June 25, 2000
Product Specification
This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer
XQR4000XL Switching Characteristics
Definition of Terms
In the following tables, some specifications may be designated as Advance or Preliminary. These terms are defined as
Initial estimates based on simulation and/or extrapolation from other speed grades, devices, or
devicefamilies. Values are subject to change. Use as estimates, not for production.
Based on preliminary characterization. Further changes are not expected.
Specifications not identified as either Advance or Preliminary are to be considered Final.
Except for pin-to-pin input and output parameters, the AC parameter delay specifications included in this document are
derived from measuring internal test patterns. All specifications are representative of worst-case supply voltage and junction
temperature conditions.
All specifications subject to change without notice.
Additional Specifications
Except for pin-to-pin input and output parameters, the a.c.
parameter delay specifications included in this document
are derived from measuring internal test patterns. All speci-
fications are representative of worst-case supply voltage
and junction temperature conditions. The parameters
included are common to popular designs and typical appli-
Absolute Maximum Ratings
cations. For design considerations requiring more detailed
timing information, see the appropriate family AC supple-
ments available on the Xilinx web site at:
Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress
ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Operating Conditions
is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability.
achieve. During transitions, the device pins may undershoot to
lasts less than 10 ns and with the forcing current being limited to 200 mA.
Maximum soldering temperature (10s @ 1/16 in. = 1.5 mm)
At junction temperatures above those listed as Operating Conditions, all delay parameters increase by 0.35% per