Rev. 1.00P
Software Flow Control
When software flow control is enabled, the 854 com-
pares one or two sequential receive data characters
with the programmed Xon or Xoff-1,2 character
value(s). If receive character(s) (RX) match the pro-
grammed values, the 854 will halt transmission (TX)
as soon as the current character(s) has completed
transmission. When a match occurs, the receive
ready (if enabled via Xoff IER bit-5) flags will be set
and the interrupt output pin (if receive interrupt is
enabled) will be activated. Following a suspension
due to a match of the Xoff characters values, the 854
will monitor the receive data stream for a match to the
Xon-1,2 character value(s). If a match is found, the
854 will resume operation and clear the flags (ISR bit-
4). The 854 offers a special Xon mode via MCR bit-5.
The initialized default setting of MCR bit-5 is a logic 0.
In this state Xoff and Xon will operate as defined
above. Setting MCR bit-5 to a logic 1 sets a special
operational mode for the Xon function. In this case
Xoff operates normally however, transmission (Xon)
will resume with the next character received, i.e., a
match is declared simply by the receipt of an incoming
(RX) character.
Reset initially sets the contents of the Xon/Xoff 8-bit
flow control registers to a logic 0. Following reset the
user can write any Xon/Xoff value desired for software
flow control. Different conditions can be set to detect
Xon/Xoff characters and suspend/resume transmis-
sions. When double 8-bit Xon/Xoff characters are
selected, the 854 compares two consecutive receive
characters with two software flow control 8-bit values
(Xon1, Xon2, Xoff1, Xoff2) and controls TX transmis-
sions accordingly. Under the above described flow
control mechanisms, flow control characters are not
placed (stacked) in the user accessible RX data buffer
or FIFO.
In the event that the receive buffer is overfilling and
flow control needs to be executed, the 854 automati-
cally sends an Xoff message (when enabled) via the
serial TX output to the remote modem. The 854 sends
the Xoff-1,2 characters as soon as received data
passes the programmed trigger level. To clear this
condition, the 854 will transmit the programmed Xon-
1,2 characters as soon as receive data drops below
the programmed trigger level.
Special Feature Software Flow Control
A special feature is provided to detect an 8-bit charac-
ter when bit-5 is set in the Enhanced Feature Register
(EFR). When 8 bit character is detected, it will be
placed on the user accessible data stack along with
normal incoming RX data. This condition is selected in
conjunction with EFR bits 0-3. Note that software flow
control should be turned off when using this special
mode by setting EFR bit 0-3 to a logic 0.
The 854 compares each incoming receive character
with Xoff-2 data. If a match exists, the received data
will be transferred to FIFO and ISR bit-4 will be set to
indicate detection of special character (see Figure 9).
Although the Internal Register Table shows each X-
Register with eight bits of character information, the
actual number of bits is dependent on the pro-
grammed word length. Line Control Register (LCR)
bits 0-1 defines the number of character bits, i.e.,
either 5 bits, 6 bits, 7 bits, or 8 bits. The word length
selected by LCR bits 0-1 also determines the number
of bits that will be used for the special character
comparison. Bit-0 in the X-registers corresponds with
the LSB bit for the receive character.
Xon Any Feature
A special feature is provided to return the Xoff flow
control to the inactive state following its activation. In
this mode any RX character received will return the
Xoff flow control to the inactive state so that transmis-
sions may be resumed with a remote buffer. This
feature is more fully defined in the Software Flow
Control section.
Device Identification
The XR16C854 provides Device identification and
Device Revision code to distinguish the part from
To read the identification number from the part, its is
required to set the baud rate generator divisor latch to
1 and then set the content of the baud rate generator
DLL and DLM registers to 0. Reading the content of
the DLM will provide 14 hex for XR16C854 part and
reading the content of the DLL will provide the revision
of the part.