Intellicom (OP6600/OP6700)
4.2 Sample Programs
Sample programs are provided in the Dynamic C SAMPLES folder. The sample program
demonstrates the output to the STDIO window. The various directories in the
folder contain specific sample programs that illustrate the use of the correspond-
ing Dynamic C libraries.
The SAMPLES\ICOM and SAMPLES\TCPIP folders provides sample programs specific to
the Intellicom board. Each sample program has comments that describe the purpose and
function of the program. Follow the instructions at the beginning of the sample program.
To run a sample program, open it with the File menu (if it is not still open), compile it using
the Compile menu, and then run it by selecting Run in the Run menu. The Intellicom must
More complete information on Dynamic C is provided in the Dynamic C User’s Manual.
4.2.1 General Intellicom Operation
—Demonstrates cofunctions, the cofunction serial library, and using a
serial ANSI terminal such as Hyperterminal from an available PC COM port connec-
—Flashes LEDs on Demonstration Board included in Development Kit.
See Appendix D for hookup instructions for the Demonstration Board.
—Flashes LEDs on Demonstration Board included in Development Kit
and illustrates the Dynamic C runwatch function. See Appendix D for hookup
instructions for the Demonstration Board.
—Flashes LEDs on Demonstration Board included in Development Kit
and demonstrates the use of costatements. See Appendix D for hookup instructions for
the Demonstration Board.
—Allows a Web browser to view and change the state of the Intellicom
board. See Appendix D for hookup instructions for the Demonstration Board.
—Demonstrates a simple RS-232 loopback.
—Demonstrates a simple RS-485 transmission from master to slave.
—Demonstrates a 5-wire RS-232 loopback in an Intellicom set up for 5-
wire RS-232.
—Demonstration program to illustrate Intellicom features. This demon-
stration program comes up when the Intellicom is first powered up before new pro-
grams are compiled and run.
—Demonstrates how to turn the digital I/O on and off.
—Demonstrates use of LCD and keypad.