NXP B.V. 2009. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 02 — 16 July 2009
27 of 50
NXP Semiconductors
16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller
7.6 Software reset
The Software Reset Call (SWRST Call) allows all the devices in the I2C-bus to be reset to
the power-up state value through a specic formatted I2C-bus command. To be performed
correctly, it implies that the I2C-bus is functional and that there is no device hanging the
The SWRST Call function is dened as the following:
1. A START command is sent by the I2C-bus master.
2. The reserved SWRST I2C-bus address ‘0000 000’ with the R/W bit set to ‘0’ (write) is
sent by the I2C-bus master.
3. The PCA9685 device(s) acknowledge(s) after seeing the General Call address
‘0000 0000’ (00h) only. If the R/W bit is set to ‘1’ (read), no acknowledge is returned to
the I2C-bus master.
4. Once the General Call address has been sent and acknowledged, the master sends
1 byte with 1 specic value (SWRST data byte 1):
a. Byte 1 = 06h: the PCA9685 acknowledges this value only. If byte 1 is not equal to
06h, the PCA9685 does not acknowledge it.
If more than 1 byte of data is sent, the PCA9685 does not acknowledge any more.
5. Once the correct byte (SWRST data byte 1) has been sent and correctly
acknowledged, the master sends a STOP command to end the SWRST Call: the
PCA9685 then resets to the default value (power-up value) and is ready to be
addressed again within the specied bus free time (tBUF).
The I2C-bus master must interpret a non-acknowledge from the PCA9685 (at any time) as
a ‘SWRST Call Abort’. The PCA9685 does not initiate a reset of its registers. This
happens only when the format of the SWRST Call sequence is not correct.
Fig 12. SWRST Call
General Call address
START condition
from slave
SWRST data byte 1
from slave