Rev. A | Page 31 of 48
Figure 28. LVDS Output Simplified Equivalent Circuit
Chip Power-Down or Sleep Mode—PDB
The PDB chip power-down turns off most of the functions and
currents in the AD9512. When the PDB mode is enabled, a chip
power-down is activated by taking the FUNCTION pin to a
logic low level. The chip remains in this power-down state until
PDB is brought back to logic high. When woken up, the
AD9512 returns to the settings programmed into its registers
prior to the power-down, unless the registers are changed by
new programming while the PDB mode is active.
The PDB power-down mode shuts down the currents on the
chip, except the bias current necessary to maintain the LVPECL
outputs in a safe shutdown mode. This is needed to protect the
LVPECL output circuitry from damage that could be caused by
certain termination and load configurations when tri-stated.
Because this is not a complete power-down, it can be called
sleep mode.
When the AD9512 is in a PDB power-down or sleep mode, the
chip is in the following state:
All clocks and sync circuits are off.
All dividers are off.
All LVDS/CMOS outputs are off.
All LVPECL outputs are in safe off mode.
The serial control port is active, and the chip responds to
If the AD9512 clock outputs must be synchronized to each
required when exiting power-down mode.
Distribution Power-Down
The distribution section can be powered down by writing 1 to
Register 58h<3>. This turns off the bias to the distribution
section. If the LVPECL power-down mode is normal operation
<00>, it is possible for a low impedance load on that LVPECL
output to draw significant current during this power-down. If
the LVPECL power-down mode is set to <11b>, the LVPECL
output is not protected from reverse bias and can be damaged
under certain termination conditions.
Individual Clock Output Power-Down
Any of the five clock distribution outputs may be powered
down individually by writing to the appropriate registers via the
SCP. The register map details the individual power-down
settings for each output. The LVDS/CMOS outputs may be
powered down, regardless of their output load configuration.
The LVPECL outputs have multiple power-down modes
(see Register 3Dh, Register 3Eh, and Register 3Fh i
n Table 18).These give some flexibility in dealing with various output
termination conditions. When the mode is set to <10b>, the
LVPECL output is protected from reverse bias to 2 VBE + 1 V. If
the mode is set to <11b>, the LVPECL output is not protected
from reverse bias and can be damaged under certain
termination conditions. This setting also affects the operation
when the distribution block is powered down with Register
Individual Circuit Block Power-Down
Several of the AD9512 circuit blocks (such as CLK1 and CLK2)
can be powered down individually. This gives flexibility in
configuring the part for power savings when all chip
functionality is not needed.
The AD9512 has several ways to force the chip into a reset
Power-On Reset—Start-Up Conditions when VS is
A power-on reset (POR) is issued when the VS power supply is
turned on. This initializes the chip to the power-on conditions
that are determined by the default register settings. These are
Asynchronous Reset via the FUNCTION Pin
RESETB: 58h<6:5> = 00b (Default), restores the chip to the
default settings.
Soft Reset via the Serial Port
The serial control port allows a soft reset by writing to
Register 00h<5> = 1b. When this bit is set, the chip executes a
soft reset. This restores the default values to the internal
registers, except for Register 00h itself.
This bit is not self-clearing. The bit must be written to
00h<5> = 0b for the operation of the part to continue.