CHIP ERASE: The entire device can be erased at one time
by using the 6-byte chip erase software code. After the chip
erase has been initiated, the device will internally time the
erase operation so that no external clocks are required.
The maximum time to erase the chip is t
If the sector lockout has been enabled, the Chip Erase will
not erase the data in the sector that has been locked; it will
erase only the unprotected sectors. After the chip erase,
the device will return to the read or standby mode.
SECTOR ERASE: As an alternative to a full chip erase, the
device is organized into 24 sectors – AT49BV8004(T) or 22
sectors – AT49BV8011(T) that can be individually erased.
The Sector Erase command is a six bus cycle operation.
The sector address is latched on the falling WE edge of the
sixth cycle while the 30H data input command is latched on
the rising edge of WE. The sector erase starts after the ris-
ing edge of WE of the sixth cycle. The erase operation is
internally controlled; it will automatically time to completion.
The maximum time to erase a section is tSEC. When the
sector programming lockout feature is not enabled, the
sector will erase (from the same sector erase command).
Once a sector has been protected, data in the protected
sectors cannot be changed unless the RESET pin is taken
to 12V ± 0.5V. An attempt to erase a sector that has been
protected will result in the operation terminating in 2 s.
BYTE/WORD PROGRAMMING: Once a memory block is
erased, it is programmed (to a logical “0”) on a byte-by-byte
or on a word-by-word basis. Programming is accomplished
via the internal device command register and is a 4-bus
cycle operation. The device will automatically generate the
required internal program pulses.
Any commands written to the chip during the embedded
programming cycle will be ignored. If a hardware reset hap-
pens during programming, the data at the location being
programmed will be corrupted. Please note that a data “0”
cannot be programmed back to a “1”; only erase operations
can convert “0”s to “1”s. Programming is completed after
the specified tBP cycle time. The DATA polling feature or
the toggle bit feature may be used to indicate the end of a
program cycle.
programming lockout feature. This feature prevents pro-
gramming of data in the designated sectors once the
feature has been enabled. These sectors can contain
secure code that is used to bring up the system. Enabling
the lockout feature will allow the boot code to stay in the
device while data in the rest of the device is updated. This
feature does not have to be activated; any sector’s usage
as a write protected region is optional to the user.
Once the feature is enabled, the data in the protected sec-
tors can no longer be erased or programmed when input
levels of 5.5V or less are used. Data in the remaining sec-
tors can still be changed through the regular programming
method. To activate the lockout feature, a series of six pro-
gram commands to specific addresses with specific data
must be performed. Please refer to the Command Defini-
tions table.
SECTOR LOCKOUT DETECTION: A software method is
available to determine if programming of a sector is locked
out. When the device is in the software product identifica-
tion mode (see Software product Identification Entry and
Exit sections) a read from address location 00002H within a
sector will show if programming the sector is locked out. If
the data on I/O0 is low, the sector can be programmed; if
the data on I/O0 is high, the program lockout feature has
been enabled and the sector cannot be programmed. The
software product identification exit code should be used to
return to standard operation.
user can override the sector programming lockout by taking
the RESET pin to 12V ± 0.5V. By doing this protected data
can be altered through a chip erase, sector erase or
byte/word programming. When the RESET pin is brought
back to TTL levels the sector programming lockout feature
is again active.
command allows the system to interrupt a sector erase
operation and then program or read data from a different
sector within the same plane. Since this device has a dual
plane architecture, there is no need to use the erase sus-
pend feature while erasing a sector when you want to read
data from a sector in the other plane. After the erase sus-
pend command is given, the device requires a maximum
time of 15
s to suspend the erase operation. After the
erase operation has been suspended, the plane which con-
tains the suspended sector enters the erase-suspend-read
mode. The system can then read data or program data to
any other sector within the device. An address is not
required during the erase suspend command. During a
sector erase suspend, another sector cannot be erased. To
resume the sector erase operation, the system must write
the erase resume command. The erase resume command
is a one bus cycle command, which does require the plane
address [determined by A18 for the AT49BV8004(T) and
A18-A16 for the AT49BV8001(T)]. The device also sup-
ports an erase suspend during a complete chip erase.
While the chip erase is suspended, the user can read from
any sector within the memory that is protected. The com-
mand sequence for a chip erase suspend and a sector
erase suspend are the same.
PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: The product identification
mode identifies the device and manufacturer as Atmel. It
may be accessed by hardware or software operation. The
hardware operation mode can be used by an external pro-