Rev: 010809
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1.3.6 STS-1/AU-3/TU-3 Formatter and Framer (DS33M31 and DS33M33 Only) STS-1/AU-3 Formatter with Transport Overhead Insertion
User-configurable scrambling for transmit STS-1 data stream using a polynomial of 1 + x6 + x7
Generation of all TOH bytes (per LTE requirement) including framing (A1, A2), Section trace (J0), Section
BIP-8 (B1), Section orderwire (E1), Section user channel (F1), Section Data Communication Channel
(DCC) (D1-D3), STS-1 pointers (H1, H2, H3), line BIP-8 parity (B2), automatic protection switching (APS)
channel (K1, K2), Line DCC (D4-D12), synchronization status message (S1), Line Remote Error Indication
(REI) (M1), and line orderwire (E2) Note: B1 and B2 are configured as error masks
Calculation and insertion of Section BIP-8 (B1) and Line BIP-8 (B2)
Programmable insertion of AIS-P, and AIS-L
Programmable generation of H1, H2, and H3 bytes as an error mask
All TOH bytes can be inserted from the associated transmit STS-1 transport overhead input port or
software accessible internal registers
Automatic or manual generation of Line remote error indication (REI-L) and Line remote defect indication
Programmable insertion of framing errors, B1 errors, B2 errors, and invalid pointer
Insertion of HDLC data stream into Section DCC (D1-D3), Line DCC (D4-D12), TOH DCC (D1-D12), or
Section user channel (F1)
Insertion of trace ID message into Section trace (J0) STS-1/AU-3 Framer with Transport Overhead Extraction
User-configurable descrambler of incoming STS-1 data stream with polynomial of 1 + x6 + x7
Extraction of all TOH bytes (per LTE requirement): Framing (A1, A2), Section trace (J0), Section BIP-8
(B1), Section orderwire (E1), Section user channel (F1), Section Data Communication Channel (DCC) (D1-
D3), STS-1 pointers (H1, H2, H3), Line BIP-8 (B2), automatic protection switching (APS) channel (K1, K2),
Line DCC (D4-D12), synchronization status message (S1), Line Remote Error Indication (REI) (M1), and
Line orderwire (E2)
All TOH bytes are presented on the associated receive STS-1 transport overhead output port and software
accessible internal registers
Detection of STE and LTE defects including LOS, LOF, SEF, COFA, and AIS-L
Fully programmable automatic downstream path AIS (AIS-P) insertion upon detection of LOS, LOF, TIM-S,
and/or AIS-L
Detection of STE and LTE defects including RDI-L, APS unstable, and sync message change (S1)
Detection and accumulation of framing errors (A1/A2), OOF occurrences, section BIP-8 (B1) errors (bit or
block basis), line BIP-8 (B2) errors (bit or block basis), and line remote error indications (REI-L)
Extraction of HDLC data stream from Section DCC (D1-D3), Line DCC (D4-D12), TOH DCC (D1-D12), or
Section user channel (F1)
Extraction of trace ID message from Section trace (J0)
1.3.7 STS-1/AU-3/TU-3 Pointer Processing (DS33M31 and DS33M33 only) STS-1/AU-3/TU-3 Pointer Generation
Per STS-1/AU-3/TU-3 tributary pointer generation using the associated inbound Add STS-3/STM-1 clock
Pointer generation per Telcordia GR-253-CORE and ITU G.707 specifications
Generation of STS-1, AU-3, or TU-3 pointer bytes (H1, H2, and H3) and insertion of the STS-1 SPE/VC-3
Detection and accumulation of pointer increments, decrements, and changes
User configurable automatic or manual generation of AIS-P
Generation of an unequipped indication (“all zero” path (payload data and POH) with valid J1, B3, and G1)
Comprehensive software programmable pointer (H1, H2) diagnostics (Performs a pointer increment
justification (PJC+), pointer decrement justification (PJC-), pointer change (PJC) to a programmable fixed
value (without NDF), or new pointer change (NDF) to a programmable fixed value (with NDF) via the
register interface)
Regeneration/relaying of an incoming STS-1 “all-ones” pointer (AIS-P) within one-frame time (125s )
STS-1 SPE POH generation pass-through mode for STS-1 line terminating equipment (LTE) applications