Altera Corporation
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 2
September 2004
Remote Configuration Operation
All of the seven device core signals (see
Figure 12–6), are enabled for both
remote and local configuration for both factory and application
configuration, except RU_Timer and RU_captnupdt.
Figure 12–7 and
Table 12–4 specify the content of control register upon power-on reset
The difference between local configuration and remote configuration is
how the control register is updated during a re-configuration and which
core signals are enabled.
Output from the core to the
remote update block
If its value is “1”, the remote configuration shift register
shifts data on the rising edge of RU_Clk. It its value is
“0” and RU_captnupdt is “0”, the shift register updates
the update register. If its value is “0”, and
is “1”, the shift register captures the
status register and either the control or update register
(depending on whether the configuration is factory or
Output from the core to the
remote update block
When RU_captnupdt is at value “1” and
is at value”0”, the system specifies that
the remote configuration shift register should be written
with the content of the status register and either the
update register (in a factory configuration) or the control
register (in an application configuration). This shift
register is loaded on the rising edge of RU_Clk. When
is at value “0” and RU_shftnhld is at
value”0”, the system specifies that the remote
configuration update register should be written with the
content of the shift register in a factory configuration. The
update register is loaded on the rising edge of RU_Clk.
This pin is enabled only for factory configuration in
remote configuration mode (it is disabled for the
application configuration in remote configuration or for
local configuration modes). If RU_shftnhld is at value
“1”, RU_captnupdt has no function.
Output from the core to the
remote update block
Data to be written into the remote configuration shift
register on the rising edge of RU_Clk. To load into the
shift register, RU_shftnhld must be asserted.
Input to the core from the remote
update block
Output of the remote configuration shift register to be
read by core logic. New data arrives on each rising edge
of RU_Clk.
Table 12–3. User Configuration Signals To/From Device Core (Part 2 of 2)
Signal Name
To/From Device Core