Section 9 16-Bit Timer Pulse Unit (TPU)
The H8S/2345 Series has an on-chip 16-bit timer pulse unit (TPU) that comprises six 16-bit timer
Maximum 16-pulse input/output
A total of 16 timer general registers (TGRs) are provided (four each for channels 0 and 3,
and two each for channels 1, 2, 4, and 5), each of which can be set independently as an
output compare/input capture register
TGRC and TGRD for channels 0 and 3 can also be used as buffer registers
Selection of 8 counter input clocks for each channel
The following operations can be set for each channel:
Waveform output at compare match: Selection of 0, 1, or toggle output
Input capture function: Selection of rising edge, falling edge, or both edge detection
Counter clear operation: Counter clearing possible by compare match or input capture
Synchronous operation: Multiple timer counters (TCNT) can be written to simultaneously
Simultaneous clearing by compare match and input capture possible
Register simultaneous input/output possible by counter synchronous operation
PWM mode: Any PWM output duty can be set
Maximum of 15-phase PWM output possible by combination with synchronous operation
Buffer operation settable for channels 0 and 3
Input capture register double-buffering possible
Automatic rewriting of output compare register possible
Phase counting mode settable independently for each of channels 1, 2, 4, and 5
Two-phase encoder pulse up/down-count possible
Cascaded operation
Channel 2 (channel 5) input clock operates as 32-bit counter by setting channel 1 (channel
4) overflow/underflow
Fast access via internal 16-bit bus
Fast access is possible via a 16-bit bus interface