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Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 01 — 12 January 2005
58 of 158
Philips Semiconductors
Hi-Speed USB OTG controller
EHCI manages schedules in two lists: periodic and asynchronous. The data structures
are designed to provide the maximum flexibility required by USB, minimize memory traffic,
and hardware and software complexity. The ISP1761 controller executes transactions for
devices by using a simple shared-memory schedule. This schedule consists of data
structures organized into three lists:
qISO —
Isochronous transfer
Interrupt transfer
qATL —
Asynchronous transfer; for the control and bulk transfers.
The system software maintains two lists for the Host Controller: periodic and
asynchronous. The root of the periodic schedule—the PERIODICLISTBASE register—is
the physical memory base address of the periodic frame list. The periodic frame list is an
array memory pointer. The objects referenced from the frame list must be valid schedule
data structures. The asynchronous list base is also a common list of queue heads
(endpoints) that are served in a schedule. These endpoint data structures are further
linked to the EHCI transfer descriptor that is the valid schedule (queue PTD).
The Periodic Schedule Enable (ISO_BUF_FULL and INT_BUF_FULL) or Asynchronous
Schedule Enable (ATL_BUF_FULL) bits can enable traversal to these lists. Enabling a list
indicates the presence of valid schedule in the list. The system software starts at these
points, schedules the first transfer inside the shared memory of the ISP1761, and sets up
the ATL, INTL or ITL bit corresponding to the type of transfer scheduled in the shared
The ISP1761 has a maximum of 32 ISO, 32 INTL and 32 ATL PTDs. These PTDs are
used as channels to transfer data from the shared memory to the USB bus. These
channels are allocated and deallocated on receiving the transfer from the core USB driver.
Multiple transfers are scheduled to the shared memory for various endpoints by traversing
the next link pointer provided by the EHCI data structure, until it reaches the terminate bit
in a microframe. If a schedule is enabled, the Host Controller starts executing from the
ISO schedule, before it goes to the INTL schedule, and then to the ATL schedule.
The EHCI periodic and asynchronous lists are traversed by the software according to the
EHCI traversal rule, and executed only from the asynchronous schedule after it
encounters the end of the periodic schedule. The Host Controller traverses the ISO, INTL
and ATL schedules. It fetches the element and begins traversing the graph of linked
schedule data structures.
The last bit identifies the end of the schedule for each type of transfer, indicating the rest
of the channels are empty. Once a transition is completed, the Host Controller executes
from the next transfer descriptor in the schedule until the end of the microframe.
The completion of a transfer is indicated to the software by the interrupt that can be
grouped over the various PTDs by using the AND or OR registers that are available for
each schedule type (ISO, INTL and ATL). These registers are simple logic registers to
decide the group and individual PTDs that can interrupt the CPU for a schedule, when the
logical conditions of the done bit is true in the shared memory that completes the interrupt.
Interrupts are of four types and the latency can be programmed in multiples of