9600/14400 bps FAX MODEM
PN Detected
0D : 6 ( - )
The modem receiver sets the PNDT status bit to indicate that it has detected the beginning of the PN
segment of the training sequence. PNDT remains set during the reception of the PN segment and is reset
at the end of the PN segment.
PN Sequence
0C : 3 ( - )
In the high speed transmit mode, the modem sets the PNS bit to indicate that the PN segment of the
training sequence is being transmitted. In the high speed receive mode, the PNS bit is set by the modem
while it is receiving the PN segment of the training sequence.
The modem sets the PNSX status bit when it has successfully trained at the end of the PN segment of
the high speed training sequence. If training fails, PNSX is reset. PNSX is valid after the DCDB bit is set.
RAM Access 1
05 : 7 ( 1 )
PN Success
08 : 3 ( - )
When the host sets the RA1 control bit, the modem accesses the RAM addressed by ADR1 and the
CRAM1 bit and performs a read or write as determined by the WT1 control bit.
Save Equalizer
Request to Send Bit
09 : 6 ( 0 )
07 : 7 ( 0 )
Receive State
0D : 7 ( - )
RAM Access 2
15 : 7 ( 1 )
When the host sets the RA2 control bit, the modem accesses the RAM addressed by ADR2 and the
CRAM2 bit and performs a read or write as determined by the WT2 control bit.
The modem sets the REC status bit to indicate that the modem is in the receive state. When the REC
bit is reset, the modem is in the transmit state.
The modem begins a transmit sequence when the RTSB bit is set or the RTS input pin is driven low.
The modem will continue to transmit as long as RTSB is set or RTS is low.
When the SAVEQ bit is set by the host, the taps of the adaptive equalizer are not cleared when entering
the training state, thus saving the equalizer tap coefficients obtained during the previous training.