sn2440, 2440fas
GND (Pins 1, 8, 9, 16):
Ground. Multiple ground pins
internally connected for optimum ground current flow and
decoupling. Connect each one of these pins to a ground
plane through a low impedance connection. All four pins
must be connected to ground for proper operation.
(Pin 2):
Positive Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND
(Pin 1) with a 10
F tantalum capacitor in parallel with
F ceramic capacitor as close to the part as possible.
(Pin 3), REF
(Pin 4):
Differential Reference Input.
The voltage on these pins can have any value between GND
and V
as long as the reference positive input, REF
, is
maintained more positive than the reference negative
input, REF
, by at least 0.1V.
(Pin 5), IN
(Pin 6):
Differential Analog Input. The
voltage on these pins can have any value between
GND – 0.3V and V
+ 0.3V. Within these limits the con-
verter bipolar input range (V
= IN
– IN
) extends from
–0.5 (V
) to 0.5 (V
). Outside this input range the
converter produces unique overrange and underrange
output codes.
SDI (Pin 7):
Serial Data Input. This pin is used to select the
speed/resolution of the converter. If SDI is grounded (pin
compatible with LTC2410) the device outputs data at
880Hz with 21 bits effective resolution. By tying SDI
HIGH, the converter enters the ultralow noise mode
) with simultaneous 50/60Hz rejection at 6.9Hz
output rate. SDI may be driven logic HIGH or LOW
anytime during the conversion or sleep state in order to
change the speed/resolution. The conversion immedi-
ately following the data output cycle will be valid and
performed at the newly selected output rate/resolution.
SDI may also be programmed by a serial input data
stream under control of SCK during the data output cycle.
One of ten speed/resolution ranges (from 6.9Hz/200nV
to 3.5kHz/21
) may be selected. The first conver-
sion following a new selection is valid and performed at
the newly selected speed/resolution.
EXT (Pin 10):
Internal/External SCK Selection Pin. This
pin is used to select internal or external SCK for outputting
data. If EXT is tied low (pin compatible with the LTC2410),
the device is in the external SCK mode and data is shifted
out the device under the control of a user applied serial
clock. If EXT is tied high, the internal serial clock mode is
selected. The device generates its own SCK signal and
outputs this on the SCK pin. A framing signal BUSY
(Pin 15) goes low indicating data is being output.
CS (Pin 11):
Active LOW Digital Input. A LOW on this pin
enables the SDO digital output and wakes up the ADC.
Following each conversion the ADC automatically enters
the Sleep mode and remains in this low power state as
long as CS is HIGH. A LOW-to-HIGH transition on CS
during the Data Output transfer aborts the data transfer
and starts a new conversion.
SDO (Pin 12):
Three-State Digital Output. During the Data
Output period, this pin is used as serial data output. When
the chip select CS is HIGH (CS = V
) the SDO pin is in a
high impedance state. During the Conversion and Sleep
periods, this pin is used as the conversion status output.
The conversion status can be observed by pulling CS LOW.
SCK (Pin 13):
Bidirectional Digital Clock Pin. In Internal
Serial Clock Operation mode, SCK is used as digital output
for the internal serial interface clock during the Data
Output period. In External Serial Clock Operation mode,
SCK is used as digital input for the external serial interface
clock during the Data Output period. The Serial Clock
Operation mode is determined by the logic level applied to
the EXT pin.
(Pin 14):
Frequency Control Pin. Digital input that con-
trols the internal conversion clock. When F
is connected
to V
or GND, the converter uses its internal oscillator
running at 9MHz. The conversion rate is determined by the
selected OSR such that t
(in ms) = (40 OSR + 170)/
9000 (t
= 1.137ms at OSR = 256, t
= 146ms at OSR
= 32768). The first null is located at 8/t
, 7kHz at OSR
= 256 and 55Hz (simultaneous 50/60Hz) at OSR = 32768.
When F
is driven by an oscillator with frequency f
kHz), the conversion time becomes t
= (40 OSR +
(in ms) and the first null remains 8/t
BUSY (Pin 15):
Conversion in Progress Indicator. For
compatibility with the LTC2410, this pin should not be tied
to ground. This pin is HIGH while the conversion is in
progress and goes LOW indicating the conversion is
complete and data is ready. It remains low during the sleep
and data output states. At the conclusion of the data output
state, it goes HIGH indicating a new conversion has begun.