byte and still failed to verify that the Write Buffer
has programmed correctly or that the Block is
If the failure is due to a program or block protect
with VPEN low, VOL, then VPEN Status bit (bit 3)
is also set High, VOH.
If the failure is due to a program on a protected
block then Block Protection Status bit (bit 1) is
also set High, VOH.
If the failure is due to a program or erase
incorrect command sequence then Erase
Status bit (bit 5) is also set High, VOH.
Once set High, the Program Status bit can only be
reset Low by a Clear Status Register command or
a hardware reset. If set High it should be reset be-
fore a new Program or Erase command is issued,
otherwise the new command will appear to fail.
VPEN Status (Bit 3). The VPEN Status bit can be
used to identify if a Program, Erase, Block Protec-
tion or Block Unprotection operation has been at-
tempted when VPEN is Low, VIL.
When the VPEN Status bit is Low, VOL, no Pro-
gram, Erase, Block Protection or Block Unprotec-
tion operations have been attempted with VPEN
Low, VIL, since the last Clear Status Register com-
mand, or hardware reset. When the VPEN Status
bit is High, VOH, a Program, Erase, Block Protec-
tion or Block Unprotection operation has been at-
tempted with VPEN Low, VIL.
Once set High, the VPEN Status bit can only be re-
set by a Clear Status Register command or a hard-
ware reset. If set High it should be reset before a
new Program, Erase, Block Protection or Block
Unprotection command is issued, otherwise the
new command will appear to fail.
Program Suspend Status (Bit 2). The Program
Suspend Status bit indicates that a Program oper-
ation has been suspended and is waiting to be re-
sumed. The Program Suspend Status should only
be considered valid when the Program/Erase
Controller Status bit is High (Program/Erase Con-
troller inactive); after a Program/Erase Suspend
command is issued the memory may still complete
the operation rather than entering the Suspend
When the Program Suspend Status bit is Low,
VOL, the Program/Erase Controller is active or has
completed its operation; when the bit is High, VOH,
a Program/Erase Suspend command has been is-
sued and the memory is waiting for a Program/
Erase Resume command.
When a Program/Erase Resume command is is-
sued the Program Suspend Status bit returns Low.
Block Protection Status (Bit 1). The Block Pro-
tection Status bit can be used to identify if a Pro-
gram or Erase operation has tried to modify the
contents of a protected block.
When the Block Protection Status bit is Low, VOL,
no Program or Erase operations have been at-
tempted to protected blocks since the last Clear
Status Register command or hardware reset;
when the Block Protection Status bit is High, VOH,
a Program (Program Status bit 4 set High) or
Erase (Erase Status bit 5 set High) operation has
been attempted on a protected block.
Once set High, the Block Protection Status bit can
only be reset Low by a Clear Status Register com-
mand or a hardware reset. If set High it should be
reset before a new Program or Erase command is
issued, otherwise the new command will appear to
Reserved (Bit 0). Bit 0 of the Status Register is
reserved. Its value should be masked.