MCU Parallel Input/Output
MC1321x Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1
Freescale Semiconductor
PTBDn — Port B Data Register Bit n (n = 0–7)
For port B pins that are inputs, reads return the logic level on the pin. For port B pins that are configured
as outputs, reads return the last value written to this register.
Writes are latched into all bits of this register. For port B pins that are configured as outputs, the logic
level is driven out the corresponding MCU pin.
Reset forces PTBD to all 0s, but these 0s are not driven out on the corresponding pins because reset
also configures all port pins as high-impedance inputs with pullups disabled.
PTBPEn — Pullup Enable for Port B Bit n (n = 0–7)
For port B pins that are inputs, these read/write control bits determine whether internal pullup devices
are enabled. For port B pins that are configured as outputs, these bits are ignored and the internal pullup
devices are disabled.
1 = Internal pullup device enabled.
0 = Internal pullup device disabled.
PTBSEn — Slew Rate Control Enable for Port B Bit n (n = 0–7)
For port B pins that are outputs, these read/write control bits determine whether the slew rate controlled
outputs are enabled. For port B pins that are configured as inputs, these bits are ignored.
1 = Slew rate control enabled.
0 = Slew rate control disabled.
PTBDDn — Data Direction for Port B Bit n (n = 0–7)
These read/write bits control the direction of port B pins and what is read for PTBD reads.
1 = Output driver enabled for port B bit n and PTBD reads return the contents of PTBDn.
0 = Input (output driver disabled) and reads return the pin value.
Port C Registers (PTCD, PTCPE, PTCSE, and PTCDD)
Port C includes eight general-purpose I/O pins that share with the SCI2 and IIC modules. Port C pins used
as general-purpose I/O pins are controlled by the port C data (PTCD), data direction (PTCDD), pullup
enable (PTCPE), and slew rate control (PTCSE) registers.
If the SCI2 takes control of a port C pin, the corresponding PTCDD bit is ignored. PTCSE can be used to
provide slew rate on the SCI2 transmit pin, TxD2. PTCPE can be used, provided the corresponding
PTCDD bit is 0, to provide a pullup device on the SCI2 receive pin, RxD2.
If the IIC takes control of a port C pin, the corresponding PTCDD bit is ignored. PTCSE can be used to
provide slew rate on the IIC serial data pin (SDA1), when in output mode and the IIC clock pin (SCL1).
PTCPE can be used, provided the corresponding PTCDD bit is 0, to provide a pullup device on the IIC
serial data pin, when in receive mode.
Reads of PTCD will return the logic value of the corresponding pin, provided PTCDD is 0.