C.4.1 MMDS11Features
Real-time, non-intrusive, in-circuit emulation at the MCU's operating frequency
Real-time bus state analyzer
— 8K x 64 real-time trace buffer
— Display of real-time trace data as raw data, disassembled instructions, raw
data and disassembled instructions, or assembly-language source code
— Four hardware triggers for commencing trace and to provide breakpoints
— Nine triggering modes
— As many as 8190 pre- or post-trigger points for trace data
— 16 general-purpose logic clips, four of which can be used to trigger the bus
state analyzer sequencer
— 16-bit time tag, or an optional 24-bit time tag that reduces the logic clips traced
from sixteen to eight
Four data breakpoints (hardware breakpoints)
Hardware instruction breakpoints over either the 64 Kbyte M68HC11 memory
map, or over a 1MB bank-switched memory map
Thirty-two real-time variables, nine of which can be displayed in the variables win-
dow. These variables may be read or written while the MCU is running
Thirty-two bytes of real-time memory can be displayed in the memory window.
This memory may be read or written while the MCU is running
64 Kbytes of fast emulation memory (SRAM)
Target input/output connections are current limited
Six software-selectable oscillator clock sources: five internally generated fre-
quencies and an external frequency via a bus analyzer logic clip
Command and response logging to MS DOS disk files to save session history
SCRIPT command for automatic execution of a sequence of MMDS11 com-
Assembly or C-language source-level debugging with global variable viewing
Host/emulator communications speeds as high as 57600 baud for quick program
Extensive on-line MCU information via the CHIPINFO command. View memory-
map, vectors, register, and pin-out information pertaining to the device being em-
Host software supports
— An editor
— An assembler, user interface, and source-level debugging capability
— Bus state analysis
— IBM mouse