If the exception raised is not associated to a new system bank packet (NAK_IN, NAK_OUT, ERR_FL_ISO...), then the
request cancellation may happen at any time and may immediately stop the current DMA transfer.
This may be used, for example, to identify or prevent an erroneous packet to be transferred into a buffer or to complete a
DMA buffer by software after reception of a short packet, or to perform buffer truncation on ERR_FL_ISO interrupt for
adaptive rate.
NYET_DIS: NYET Disable (Only for High Speed Bulk OUT endpoints)
0 = If clear, this bit lets the hardware handle the handshake response for the High Speed Bulk OUT transfer.
1 = If set, this bit forces an ACK response to the next High Speed Bulk OUT transfer instead of a NYET response.
According to the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Rev 2.0 ( NAK Responses to OUT/DATA During PING Protocol), a
NAK response to an HS Bulk OUT transfer is expected to be an unusual occurrence.
DATAX_RX: DATAx Interrupt Enabled (Only for High Bandwidth Isochronous OUT endpoints)
0 = No effect.
1 = Send an interrupt when a DATA2, DATA1 or DATA0 packet has been received meaning the whole microframe data
payload has been received.
MDATA_RX: MDATA Interrupt Enabled (Only for High Bandwidth Isochronous OUT endpoints)
0 = No effect.
1 = Send an interrupt when an MDATA packet has been received and so at least one packet of the microframe data pay-
load has been received.
ERR_OVFLW: Overflow Error Interrupt Enabled
0 = Overflow Error Interrupt is masked.
1 = Overflow Error Interrupt is enabled.
RX_BK_RDY: Received OUT Data Interrupt Enabled
0 = Received OUT Data Interrupt is masked.
1 = Received OUT Data Interrupt is enabled.
TX_COMPLT: Transmitted IN Data Complete Interrupt Enabled
0 = Transmitted IN Data Complete Interrupt is masked.
1 = Transmitted IN Data Complete Interrupt is enabled.
TX_PK_RDY/ERR_TRANS: TX Packet Ready/Transaction Error Interrupt Enabled
0 = TX Packet Ready/Transaction Error Interrupt is masked.
1 = TX Packet Ready/Transaction Error Interrupt is enabled.
Caution: Interrupt source is active as long as the corresponding UDPHS_EPTSTAx register TX_PK_RDY flag remains
low. If there are no more banks available for transmitting after the software has set UDPHS_EPTSTAx/TX_PK_RDY
for the last transmit packet, then the interrupt source remains inactive until the first bank becomes free again to transmit
at UDPHS_EPTSTAx/TX_PK_RDY hardware clear.
RX_SETUP/ERR_FL_ISO: Received SETUP/Error Flow Interrupt Enabled
0 = Received SETUP/Error Flow Interrupt is masked.
1 = Received SETUP/Error Flow Interrupt is enabled.