19. AT91SAM9G20 Bus Matrix
The Bus Matrix implements a multi-layer AHB based on the AHB-Lite protocol that enables par-
allel access paths between multiple AHB masters and slaves in a system, thus increasing the
overall bandwidth. The Bus Matrix interconnects 6 AHB Masters to 5 AHB Slaves. The normal
latency to connect a master to a slave is one cycle except for the default master of the accessed
slave which is connected directly (zero cycle latency).
The Bus Matrix user interface is compliant with the ARM Advanced High-performance Bus and
provides a Chip Configuration User Interface with registers that allow the Bus Matrix to support
application specific features.
Memory Mapping
The Bus Matrix provides one decoder for every AHB Master Interface. The decoder offers each
AHB Master several memory mappings. In fact, depending on the product, each memory area
may be assigned to several slaves. Booting at the same address while using different AHB
slaves (i.e., external RAM, internal ROM or internal Flash, etc.) becomes possible.
The Bus Matrix user interface provides Master Remap Control Register (MATRIX_MRCR) that
performs remap action for every master independently.
Special Bus Granting Techniques
The Bus Matrix provides some speculative bus granting techniques in order to anticipate access
requests from some masters. This mechanism reduces latency at first accesses of a burst or sin-
gle transfer. The bus granting mechanism sets a default master for every slave.
At the end of the current access, if no other request is pending, the slave remains connected to
its associated default master. A slave can be associated with three kinds of default masters: no
default master, last access master and fixed default master.
No Default Master
At the end of the current access, if no other request is pending, the slave is disconnected from
all masters. No Default Master suits Low Power mode.
Last Access Master
At the end of the current access, if no other request is pending, the slave remains connected to
the last master that performed an access request.
Fixed Default Master
At the end of the current access, if no other request is pending, the slave connects to its fixed
default master. Unlike last access master, the fixed master doesn’t change unless the user mod-
ifies it by a software action (field FIXED_DEFMSTR of the related MATRIX_SCFG).
To change from one kind of default master to another, the Bus Matrix user interface provides the
Slave Configuration Registers, one for each slave, that set a default master for each slave. The
Slave Configuration Register contains two fields, DEFMSTR_TYPE and FIXED_DEFMSTR. The
2-bit DEFMSTR_TYPE field is used to select the default master type (no default, last access
master, fixed default master) whereas the 4-bit FIXED_DEFMSTR field is used to select a fixed
default master provided that DEFMSTR_TYPE is set to fixed default master. Refer to