(DOC# 14-02-009 REV G ECN# 01-0995)
The specifications of this device are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.amis.com.
AMI Semiconductor, Inc.
Ordering Information
2006 AMI Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
AMI Semiconductor, Inc. ("AMIS") reserves the right to change or modify the information contained in this data sheet and the products described therein, without prior notice.
AMIS does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Charts, drawings and schedules contained in this data sheet are provided for illustration pur-
poses only and they vary depending upon specific applications.
AMIS makes no warranty or guarantee regarding suitability of these products for any particular purpose, nor does AMIS assume any liability arising out of the application or use of
any product or circuit described herein. AMIS does not authorize use of its products as critical components in any application in which the failure of the AMIS product may be
expected to result in significant injury or death, including life support systems and critical medical instruments.
Revision History
Revision #
Change Description
Jan. 2001
Initial advance release
Apr. 2001
Changed operating voltage to 2.2V. Other minor erratas.
Dec. 2001
Part number change from EM064U16, modified Overview and Features, added
Page Mode Operation diagam, revised Operating Characteristics table, Func-
tional Description table and Ordering Information diagram
Nov. 2002
Replaced Isb and Icc on Product Family table with typical values
Oct. 2004
Added Pb-Free and Green Package Option
Nov. 2005
Removed Pb-Free Pkg, added Greenn Pkg & RoHS Compliant
September 2006
Converted to AMI Semiconductor
N01L1618N1AX-XX X
I = Industrial, -40°C to 85°C
70 = 70ns
T = 44-pin TSOP II
B = 48-ball BGA
T2 = 44-pin TSOPII Green Package (RoHS Compliant)
B2 = 48-ball BGA Green Package (RoHS Compliant)
Package Type