PEB 22554
General Features T1
Semiconductor Group
Quad Frame Aligner
Frame alignment/synthesis for 1.544 MBit/s according to ITU-T G.704
and JT G.704
Programmable formats : 4-Frame Multiframe (F4, FT), 12-Frame Multiframe (F12,
D3/4), Extended Superframe (ESF), Remote Switch Mode (F72, SLC96)
Selectable conditions for recover and loss of frame alignment
Performs synchronization in ESF format acc. to NTT requirements
Error checking via CRC6 procedures according to ITU-T G. 706 and JT G. 706
Supports the alternate CRC6 algorithm acc. to the ’japanese standard’ JT G. 706
Alarm and performance monitoring per second
16 bit counter for CRC-, framing errors, code violations, Errored blocks, PRBS bit
Insertion and extraction of alarms (AIS, Remote (Yellow) Alarm, …)
Yellow Alarm generation/checking according to ’japanese standard ’ JT-G.704
IDLE code insertion for selectable channels
Flexible system clock frequency different for receiver and transmitter
Supports programmable system data rates: 2.048 , 4.096, 8.192, 16.384 MBit/s and
1.544, 3.088, 6.176, 12.352 MBit/s with independent receive / transmit shifts
Mux of 4 channels into a single rail 8.192 or 6.176 MBit/s data bus and v.v.
with byte - or bitinterleaved formats
Supports fractional T1 access
Elastic store for receive and transmit route clock wander and jitter compensation;
controlled slip capability and slip indication;
Programmable elastic buffer size: 2 frames / 1 frame / short buffer / bypass
Provides different time-slot mapping modes
Flexible transparent modes
Programmable In-Band Loop Code detection / generation according to TR 62411
Channel loop back , line loop back or Payload loop back capabilities (AT&T TR 54016)
Pseudo random signal generator and monitor
Support for different data link schemes
Clear channel capabilities
Quad Signaling Controller
HDLC controller
Bit stuffing, CRC check and generation, flag generation, flag and address recognition,
handling of bit oriented functions
DL-channel protocol for ESF format according to ANSI T1.403 specification or
according to AT&T TR54016.
Robbed-bit signaling with last look capability, enhanced CAS-BR register access and
freeze signaling indication
Provides access to serial signaling data streams